Real Estate

Everything about real estate.

Investment car: classic cars, sports cars and value appreciation

Cars as an investment – sports cars of the 60s, BMWs from the 70s, American Pony Cars, Mercedes 300 SL and Roadster but also the good old VW “Bulli” as a cult object.Are cars as an investment a lucrative alternative to normal investments? That is the big question. Buying cars without loss of value as […]

Capital investment building society contracts: House purchase, construction and conversion

What is a building society contract? How does a bauspar contract work? When does it make sense to save under a building society contract? Hundreds of thousands of savers dream of owning their own home, their first property, for the return on their investment or for their own retirement provision. Building savings has many triggers, […]

Investment share: buy, sell, ETF and direct bank

Shares are the investment object in many countries, such as the USA. Whereas in countries like Germany, people tend to fall back on traditional savings books and savings deposits. Shares are generally considered risky and speculative. But there are also differences in trading with securities. For example, active investors with individual securities and cautious investors […]

Investment funds: Time-linked index purchase + ETF

Funds as an investment are particularly suitable for investors who do not want to deal with the news on a daily basis. The success of individual shares depends heavily on day-to-day business. So-called funds combine various securities into a bundled investment portfolio. Shares are generally regarded as risky and speculative. But there are also differences […]

Investment life insurance: risk & asset accumulation

Investment life insurance – life insurance can be divided basically into two types, the term life insurance and the capital-forming life insurance. Life insurance stands out above all as the best protection for partners and children (term life insurance). But they can do even more, for example, build up assets for old age (endowment life […]

Earn money: Learning from the best – Top 5 entrepreneurs

Good entrepreneurs are always good salespeople. After all, sales are an absolutely essential part of any business. There are some business areas where the performance of the products is absolutely doubtful, yet there are resourceful traders who can sell everything. Not around otherwise, there are old-proven proverbs like “that can sell even vacuum cleaners in […]

Why do start-ups fail? 90% fail in the first 5 years – Top 11 reasons

One of the absolute favourite topics of the listeners are the reasons of failure. What exactly is the reason why nine out of ten start ups fail to survive? A look at CB Insight’s analysis reveals the 20 biggest errors in startups. Failure – Top 11 reasons Go geht´s! Here are the top 11 reasons […]

The Content Book: Writing Good SEO Texts – Book Recommendation

Search engine optimization, so-called SEOs, are very important nowadays. While in the past, marketing still learned the classic advertising methods around direct sales or the distribution of flyers, today search engine optimization is one of the central tools. Especially when it comes to marketing products. For all self-employed people who own a small company, but […]

Real Estate

All about real estate.