Tag Archive for: Cooking

Saving electricity when cooking and baking: refrigerator to pressure cooker – Kitchen tips

Cooking and baking, everybody loves it! But in the end it also consumes electricity. The more expensive the electricity price becomes, the more worthwhile it is to pay attention to energy efficiency when cooking and baking. Because even small things can achieve extremely high savings over the days, weeks, months and years. Today we looked […]

What to cook today!? Top magazines in Germany for cooking and baking

What am I cooking today? The most popular magazines laugh at us every day in the supermarket, with quick and tasty tips for your breakfast, lunch or dinner. From delicious men’s grill menus to Slow Vegan Food. Wow. Wow. If you are looking for new, seasonal ideas, here is our top list:

Foodblogger in Germany: Instagram meets Healthy, Delicious Recipes!

Food blogging is trendy, there has never been so much presence on websites and social media channels. But how to choose the right blog from this mass? In the following list, we briefly present the top 13 food bloggers in Germany and provide an overview that will make it easier for you to find a […]