Interview with Alicija Laureen: GNTM experiences, social media, self-doubt & tips
Alicija Laureen Köhler Interview – Most people know Alicija through her participation in the 14th season of the casting show Germany’s Next Topmodel. The ex-GNTM candidate achieved the 5th place. In this interview, we talk to Alicija about her time on GNTM. In addition, Alicija tells us something about the dark side of social media. In addition, Alicija gives tips for aspiring models and other tips for a beautifully decorated apartment.
FIV: You have a great reach on social media. With that notoriety comes both positive and negative aspects. Among other things, criticism. How great is the pressure in the business to always be “perfect”? What’s the best way to deal with it?
Alicija: Personally, I’m a very perfectionistic person, which is good on the one hand but also brings its downsides…most of the time I stand in my own way and my chances. Last year I struggled a lot with my self-doubt and with my body. I was just comparing myself. Which actually also made me sick.
Social media spreads false impressions
Alicija: In the social media world, it seems like everything is just perfect, beautiful and THAT is the REAL life. When you watch influencers building a house, starting a family, getting married, doing sports and eating healthy, you forget to see yourself. You immerse yourself in another world and forget your own. His own needs, his own body. Just because a certain lifestyle applies to someone and they share their experience (unaware of what it may do to others) doesn’t mean it will work for you and your body. You may be inspired by it but not want to make it completely your own. We have completely forgotten to listen to ourselves because we are too busy showing people a false world (which is actually insane).

Photo: Fab4Media
Alicija’s experience with perfectionism
Alicija: In the meantime, I have reached a point where I can talk about it (even if it is still difficult). I actually want to share my experiences, only my perfectionism comes into play again. I’m working on that though and it’s getting better and better. For the year, I’ve resolved to be more myself, listen to my heart, and whenever I think no one might like it, upload or share it all the more.
GNTM has completely changed Alicija’s life
FIV: You owe your fame to GNTM, among other things. You participated in GNTM in 2019 and came in 5th place. Since then, you’ve been a successful model and active on social media. How has your life changed since you took part in GNTM?
Alicija : It has indeed changed completely. If someone had told me that earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to believe it myself.
Alicija does not abandon her fans
Alicija: After I applied for GNTM, I roughly knew that it was about “modeling,” but I had no idea about social media. So I dived into the social media world without knowing how it really works. Even today I ask myself if it is the right thing for me. Of course, you don’t abandon such a “gift” of reach and your “fans”, yet I realize that I just ( precisely because Instagram, for example, has changed so much) no longer agree with my inner values and those that Instagram embodies. Accordingly, I try to share my values that are important to me with my followers.

Photo: Fab4Media
GNTM: Modeling is a nightmare
FIV: Has modeling always been your dream job? If so, since when?
Alicija : I loved the idea of walking the catwalks of the world, working with different designers, traveling, meeting new people and getting beautiful photos. However, that didn’t really hit home for me personally after GNTM. Reality looks different than it is portrayed in the show. I had to make the experience of not being good enough, not being thin enough and not being tall enough. Thus, the former dream job of modeling became an actual nightmare, after you were allowed to kiss the sky of all that in GNTM.
Tips for participation in GNTM
FIV: Soon the new season of GNTM will start, what tips do you have for the aspiring candidates?
Alicija: Enjoy absolutely every second that you can be there, enjoy the time with the other girls. Be grateful to be able to travel and have such an experience. Just go with it and listen to yourself. If your heart says it’s not the right thing to do, then stop. Not everyone is made for this psychological pressure and you will feel better in the end even if everyone else says otherwise. If you feel good about it, give 100%, push yourself and be nice to everyone else.
Tips: Perfect interior design
FIV: You also attach great importance to order and a beautifully decorated home. Do you have any tips for the perfect interior design?
Alicija : I love interior, when decorating I can actually live quite well. There is no “perfect” interior. Look at what you feel comfortable with, collect ideas and create small vision/mood boards. Don’t buy on impulse, take your time and think twice or three times. Order is half the battle, but even there I know that not everyone can do it and everyone has their own order. All I can say is that I feel more comfortable in a tidy home than in a messy one.

Photo: Fab4Media
Outlook for Alicija’s future
FIV: Finally, a short look into the future, we are curious what you have planned in the near future: Do you have big plans like a move or something similar or is there something special coming up? Give us a little teaser of what your fans and followers can look forward to in the near future!
Alicija : This year I plan to travel a lot, generate new experiences for myself and grow mentally. To do more what I enjoy and to pursue my work with more ease. As I mentioned in the beginning, I would actually like to invite my followers to pay more attention to themselves again. I have a little Detox Thursday in mind, where you put your phone away, do something for yourself, spend time with your family and friends and maybe take a picture of it and send it to me. The idea is not yet fully developed, but I just want to encourage people to do something for themselves and not to participate in building a house, planning a family, or going to the gym, but to live their lives and shape them themselves.
More about Germany’s Next Topmodel
Did you like the interview with Luca? Then read more interviews with former GNTM contestants here.
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Photo: Anouk Hart Styling: Anouk Hart Published: The Diary Issue