CO2 pistol and alarm shot: safety for house and apartment?

The statistics make one thing clear, the small gun license is becoming more and more popular in countries like USA, UK or Germany. Many feel insecure at home and want to be able to defend themselves in the event of robberies and break-ins. Not everyone wants to buy a big gun immediately and get a gun license, many just want the feeling of security, therefore the sales of CO2 and air pistols increases. Pepper spray and alarm systems are no longer enough for many when it comes to protecting their own four walls. We want to illuminate the topic of the alarm shot pistol as well as CO2 and air pistols in detail today. Why do more and more people make the little gun license?

House security from burglary

For single people, singles, older people but also for families the protection is in the foreground. With rising numbers of burglaries and many negative headlines, the need for security increases. The good old pepper spray is no longer enough for many, they want a pistol. For distance reasons alone, a pistol can of course be much more effective than hand weapons, and the deterrent effect on burglars is also greater. In principle, two genera differ as long as we talk about small weapons.
Important: Self-defence always means to tend to the least possible damage. The use of a weapon must therefore be “proportionate” even in case of a threat.

Phoke guns and the small gun license

Anyone who wants to buy a pistol in Germany needs a small gun licence for the experienced use of the pistol.

The pistols are designed in such a way that the barrel is not suitable for firing projectiles. Models that can be bought licensed in Germany cannot be converted into a real weapon. The situation is completely different with many alarm guns from other countries, they are only manufactured in such a way that a small piece of metal blocks the barrel inside. By releasing the barrel, the pistol is sharp again and can be used for normal standard projectiles.
These models are prohibited in Germany!</block quota>
Shooting guns should always be bought in gun shops, because they must also be registered. If you don’t want to make a small gun licence, you can often use CO2 air pistols as a deterrent.

CO2 pistols without firearms licence

In Germany, all CO2 air pistols with a strength of up to 7.5 joules are freely available for sale. Anyone 18 years old can buy one of these weapons. The weapons are freely marketable because they potentially cause much less damage than a fright-shooting weapon. With a size of only 4.5 mm, the small diabolos weigh only half a gram. They develop as little kinetic energy as possible to cause great damage, for example in the case of self-defense. The situation is quite different with alarm guns, if they are fired at close range, for example on the face, they can develop large injuries.

When it comes to securing one’s own home, many families therefore use CO2 guns. Of course, in case of self-defense they would not allow effective resistance, but in case of doubt you can help to gain valuable seconds.

In the case of danger: Try not to act frontally, attack is not the best defense here. A few valuables are nothing compared to your health.

If you want to protect yourself preventively, you can also use the alarm system.

Alarm system: security technology for house and flat

To avoid a dangerous situation in the first place, more and more families are having alarm systems installed in their condominiums or houses. Alarm systems offer the great advantage that today they have undergone great developments due to modern technology and almost real-time data transmission. Today, as a homeowner you can access any cameras directly from your smartphone, so you can see and that anywhere in the world. So you can always and everywhere see who is entering your own property, who is standing in front of the door, you can even talk directly to the person, so that the impression is created that you are at home yourself.

House security: police direct connection of the alarm system

Did you know? Many modern alarm systems today are directly linked to the police, so in dangerous situations you get immediate information, you don’t even have to dial the police call and perhaps even hang in the queue for a moment. Especially in real danger situations, the homeowner saves valuable seconds.

Depending on the price class and investment, the different models of alarm systems differ. If you want to read more about this topic, you will find here a big article about alarm systems for your home.

Household insurance

As simple as it sounds, not everyone takes out household insurance. With household contents insurance, you can prevent an absolute emergency. So you can exclude that destroyed or stolen furnishings lead to financial ruin. This is why household contents insurance is one of the most important private insurances that you as owner and tenant should take out equally.

Weapon Licence and Weapon Transport

If you don’t have a gun license yet but want to buy a CO2 pistol, we have some information for the gun purchase or the gun transport.

In principle, as described above, you do not need a separate firearms license to possess a CO2 pistol. The only thing you need is your identity card and the age of 18. With this identity card you can then buy a pistol in any gun shop, which is registered in the name of the person. Once you buy the gun, you can go back home.

Who buys his weapon in the online shop has of course no problems, because it comes directly to the front door and is handed over directly to the own four walls and does not reach the public. If you still have to drive home, the following applies to you:

  • CO2 pistol may be carried after the purchase (cash voucher attests purchase date / time)
  • Weapon must always be stored separately from ammunition and capsule, a separate case

is recommended.

CO2 pistol in car and in public

After the purchase of the gun is always to be observed: Is it public or private space?
A CO2 pistol may not be carried in public spaces!</block quota>
If you transport your rifle from A to B, you should make sure that it is locked in your suitcase and importantly, not ready to hand! So it’s best to keep it in the trunk, far away from the driver. In addition, the ammunition and the capsules must be stored separately, for example in a backpack on the rear seat of the vehicle.

Safety is a top priority for many families but also for singles. If you decide to buy a pistol, we wanted to give you a few good tips today. If you are now interested in buying a CO2 pistol, we have some interesting articles for you:

CO2 pistols, Diabolo & steel ball under test

If you have now seen everything but still want to decide for a smaller pistol model, we have here still current reviews to two really great models. One, the Glock 17, is “ideal for families” as it is very protected by several mechanisms against unwanted use. Even if safety is paramount, it can always happen over the years that a child might still be in the hands of the gun device. Even if it is only a short moment of carelessness!

If you want to have fun shooting, we have tested the innovative reloading system of the Sig Sauer P226 for you! While with other CO2 guns you have to load the CO2 capsule by hand and often even need a tool like an allen key, here you have an absolutely innovative and patented quick loading system. This allows you to replace the CO2 capsules in just 2 seconds. The associated magazine with its double-sided drum can be used again directly after the first page has been shot.

Buy weapons cheap online? Depending on whether you’re buying a weapon for the first time or already have a collection, it’s worth going to your local weapons store or online shops. As a first time buyer of pistols the way to the weapon shop is worthwhile, here you can test the models and get experiences from the salesman. If you’re a gun owner looking to expand your collection, it’s worth looking at online shops, where you can save money.

You want to know more about Diabolos and BB steel balls? We have looked at all the different types for you and show you whether it is worth changing to types like the “Terminator” or the “Barracuda” or whether it is not worthwhile to stay with the good old standard model, the flat head Diabolo! Did you know? If you also shoot uphill on your Diabolo pistol, the grooves in the barrel will break, making the trajectory of the Diabolos more unstable and the accuracy of the target less accurate.