Russian Influencer: Emira Bugerra about Beauty, Lifestyle & Fashion

Wonderful and amazing influencer from Russia, Emira Bugerra is one of the most talented russian influencer to follow on instagram. She is used to give precious tips and advices about beauty, lifestyle and fashion. As a model, she works with a lot of russian and international fashion and luxury brands like Jimmy Choo, Armani, L´Oréal, Dior or Givenchy. The FIV Team has prepared an exclusive Interview with Emira Bugerra for you.

FIV: Hi Emira! You are an amazing model and blogger from Russia. Can you tell us a bit more about you for people who don´t know you yet?

Emira: Hello magazine FIV! Since my childhood I adore the fashion industry, so I chose the fashion industry as my main activity. Now I am actively engaged in blogging, working as a model and at the same time developing my business project. Since I received an education in advertising & pr, this really helped start blogging. I also continue to study foreign languages ​​(Chinese, English, Italian, Russian – my mother tongue) in order to apply them in the development of my projects.

FIV: On your Instagram account you look like busy with beauty, lifestyle and fashion. What does a typical day in your week looks like?

Emira: In fact, most often my day is not normalized. Usually I wake up in the morning and do more important things: I have breakfast, I reply to the mail, I do a training session. Next, I meet with partners or colleagues, discuss affairs and future projects. Almost every day I have shooting clothes, creating content for a blog or shooting for a business project. In the evening I usually write articles, work on a computer, look through magazines, look for inspiration, and study materials for work sent by brands.

Fashion Inspiration Blogger – Emira Bugerra

FIV:  Your style is outstanding! You are always looking for new trends. Where did you get your fashion inspiration? And what´s your favorite outfit for this sping/summer season?

Emira: Thank you very much, but I always try to be in search of new trends, because this is my job – to tell people about new products and trends in the fashion world. I can be inspired almost everywhere, I do not limit myself only to instagram. I like to browse fashion magazines, read foreign publications, watch fashion week shows and of course watch social networks.

My favorite outfit of this spring is a jacket or pastel-colored trouser suit.

FIV: As an Influencer, you are used to work with brands. How do you decide which beauty or fashion brands to partner with, and how do you ensure that your community are receptive to sponsored content?

Emira: At the moment I work mainly with fashion brands and only a few beauty brands. I choose the choice of brands selectively, it is important for me that I really like the brand and its products, as I share the information with my subscribers sincerely. I pay special attention to creating posts, I try to make the content relevant to the interests of my audience and at the same time not to make advertising products intrusive.

FIV: As a fashion blogger, is there one article of clothing you absolutely couldn´t life without?

Emira: In fact, it is difficult to single out any one article about clothes. However, I have my favorite online publications, where I often read fashion articles keep the most interesting ones for myself.

Good adresses of fashion influencer: best shopping centers & photography tips

FIV: You probably know the trendiest places in Russia where we can do shopping. Where are the best shopping center in Russia located?

Emira: Of course, the largest selection of brand stores are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For example, well-known shopping centers TSUM and DLT. I also like to shop in Moscow country outlets, they have a cozy atmosphere and a large selection of shops – this is what you need for successful shopping.

FIV: You always find beautiful places to take pictures of your new looks. How do you choose the locations of your photos? What is the ideal place to take pictures in Russia?

Emira: As a rule, I take photos in the place or area where I live at the time of shooting. I try to think in advance about the locations and prepare the appropriate image. Most of all I like to take photographs in nature, as there you can more reveal the creative potential of photography.

Fashion & dance – Posture tips

FIV: You´re used to work with international brands like Jimmy Choo and a lot of others. We can see on your instagram account that you posed as a dancer for this perfume brand. Is dancing part of your life? What is your daily workout routine to have a beautiful and fit body?

Emira: Yes thank you. Shooting for Jimmy Choo is one of my favorites. Although I am not a professional dancer, I am a real fan of ballet culture and I try to do stretching and perform simple ballet exercises for slimming and posture at least once a week. It really helps me to feel energetic and keep fit.