Artistic fonts: wedding cards, christmas cards, birthday cards & co.
Whether it’s on wedding cards, posters or websites, beautiful fonts make you look twice and beautify the overall look. Whether it’s real calligraphy or just a few squiggles added, in this article you’ll learn how you can easily turn a boring text into beautiful designs and which people offer you the right tips. Here you will find the best tutorials and influencers who will give you an insight into different fonts.
JustSayEleanor on YouTube
Beautiful fonts in handlettering & calligraphy
In this video you will find little inspiration for super cute different fonts in handlettering and calligraphy.
Victörtchen on YouTube
Design a layout with handlettering
Here you will learn how to design a layout for a saying.
Cari Lettert on YouTube
Cari’s Youtube channel is all about handlettering and beautiful lettering designs. Here you will find tutorials about handlettering, DIY and more, which will help you to improve your handlettering. Tips & tricks for a more beautiful writing and that for beginners but also for advanced handletterers. You can find more information on her blog.
In this video you’ll learn 4 basic shapes for a banner to enhance your handlettering!