Yasmin Boulagh Interview: Life after GNTM and future projects
Yasmin Boulagh Interview – We met the ex-GNTM contestant Yasmin Boulagh for an interview. She told us a lot about her life after Germany’s Next Topmodel. You will find out in this interview what Yasmin thinks today about her participation in the casting show Germany’s Next Topmodel. Yasmin also gives some tips for aspiring GNTM canditannines and other fashion tips. In addition, you will learn in this interview what Yasmin has planned for the future.
A lot has changed since GNTM
FIV: Hello Yasmin, how nice that it worked out with the interview today. You participated in season 16 of Germany’s Next Topmodel. Since then you are a successful model and active on social media. How has your life changed since you took part in GNTM?
Yasmin: My life has already changed a lot. I’m still doing the job I had before, because you always need a plan B. But it’s still very exciting and new that people recognize you on the street. However, it is still very exciting and new that people recognize you on the street.
Many new possibilities made possible
Yasmin: Not a day goes by without a little girl or grown man asking for a photo for himself or for the family. I am still very excited and happy at the same time. I often ask myself what I have done to deserve all this, since I am no different than anyone else. It’s just as incredible how many products I get sent home or invited to events of my favorite brands. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and to have had the opportunity to be invited to the premiere for the play of the new part and to be allowed on the red carpet was unthinkable for me. So I am all the more grateful for all these opportunities.
Yasmin misses the time at GNTM
FIV: Do you have fond memories of your time on GNTM and would you participate again?
Yasmin: I remember the GNTM time very fondly. Actually, every day. Most of all the moments with the girls, which I miss day after day. This time has shaped me very much and I would always participate again.
Tips for aspiring GNTM candidates and models
FIV: Soon the new season of GNTM will start, what tips do you have for the aspiring candidates?
Yasmin: I was always told how much I should enjoy my time there. Even though a lot of pressure and stamina were required, you should enjoy and make the most of every second. I wish I had understood that beforehand, but hindsight is always wiser. That’s exactly the tip I would give the girls. And that it is of course a competition, but you should still pay attention to the other girls and be happy for other people’s successes. You get what you give. That’s why I don’t regret at all that I’ve spent so much time with the other girls and have found friends for life like Elisa, Dasha and Luca.
All about Yasmin’s fashion style and fashion tips
FIV: On Instagram you inspire us and your followers with your cool style. What inspires your looks? Do you have a style role model from whom you draw inspiration?
Yasmin: It was very important to me from the beginning to be transparent and approachable. I show myself exactly as I am and I am inspired above all by my community. They write me so often on what I should pay attention or tips when I have questions about the content. My content itself is still very expandable and I hope that my community will grow with the experiences that I will still collect with Instagram.
New model agency for Yasmin
FIV: Finally, a short look into the future, we are curious what you have planned in the near future: Do you have big plans like a move or something similar or is there something special coming up? Give us a little teaser of what your fans and followers can look forward to in the near future!
Yasmin: A big move is not yet imminent. Because I am newly single, I would like to think about the future before I take a big leap. I have applied to many model agencies, but would like to announce something only when the decision is finalized. But I want to gain a lot of experience in modeling to grow into a real model. Instagram technically I would also like to slide into the beauty and fashion track. I’ve noticed how much I love creating new looks and being an inspiration.
More about Germany’s Next Topmodel
Did you like the interview with Yasmin? Then read more interviews with former GNTM contestants here.
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