
Instagram has been the platform of the last few years. What was then Facebook is now Instagram. Follower instead of collecting friends. Instagram is the birthplace of the Stars and stars of today. Besides YouTube and Tik Tok. Influencer post articles on the topics Fashion, Food, Fitness and Beauty.

Blondbynana in interview: About the acceptance of getting older

Blondbynana in interview – Blondbynana or rather Nadine is a content creator on Instagram and TikTok and gained her fame by participating in “Big Brother” in 2003. Nadine has one goal: to make hot flashes sexy! She wants to encourage women to accept getting older and live your life the way you want for yourself […]

Franziskaelea in interview: About Riding & Mental Health

Franziskaelea in interview – horses, horses, horses! Franziska’s passion is riding. Back when she was 11 years old she discovered riding for herself and today it is a kind of therapy, because some time ago she was diagnosed with Boderline Personality Disorder. She is a content creator and shares a lot of horse content, but […]

Sol.and.pepper interview: About traveling with family indefinitely

Sol.and.pepper in an interview – Behind the name Sol.and.pepper are Julie and Moritz, who went on an indefinite trip almost four years ago with their children, their Great Dane mongrel Pepper and a converted van. Julie and Moritz are content creators on Instagram, sharing their incredible lives with their nearly 245,000 followers. In just under […]

Enyadres in interview: Music is her life

Enyadres in interview – Dancing, singing, music. That’s Enya’s life. She is a content creator on Instagram and TikTok and produces a lot of dance content. Challenges, own choreographies and dance collabs with Thekrizzl or Julien Bam, among others. Every now and then, however, Enya also releases a single. This started in 2017 at the […]

Carmushka interview: Life as a Mom, Businesswoman, Content Creator & Author

Carmushka interview – Carmen is one of the most popular content creators in Germany. Every day she shares her everyday life and everything that goes with it with her one million followers on Instagram. She is not only a content creator, but also a successful businesswoman. In addition, she became a mom for the first […]

Millanefriesen in interview: About travel & own collection with About You

Millanefriesen interview – The small town girl started with social media for fun. Meanwhile, 5.8 million followers follow her life. She is known for her outfit inspirations, which she publishes in the form of reels and TikToks. She doesn’t know a bad mood! She exudes positivity and wants to inspire her community to believe in […]

Donnaromina in interview: About fashion & her own brand “high by honey

Donnaromina interview – Romina is a content creator on Instagram and shares her passion for fashion with her community. Outfits, inspirations, hauls and a lot of fun can be found on her social media channels. Her passion has become her vocation, so not too long ago she founded her own fashion brand “high by honey”. […]

Adorable_caro interview: About the everyday life of a content creator & Ninety-9

Adorable_caro interview – Caro is a content creator on Instagram and TikTok. On her social media channels she takes you into her everyday life, where it’s all about lifestyle, fashion, sports, travel and especially aesthetic content. Fashion in particular is Caro’s passion. Therefore, she shares fashion inspo and hauls with her community. From this passion […]

Instagram – Fashion Blogger & Trends every second

Are you looking for the latest fashion trends? Instagram is the ideal online platform for this. Famous Influencer present themselves daily in the very latest fashion trends. From new bags, to the hottest watch to the latest winter coat. If you travel a lot on Instagram you know that you will get countless ideas and inspirations for the next outfit for everyday life, the holiday or the next party on the weekend. The advantage of Instagram is that you can be inspired by fashion all over the world and you don’t have to limit yourself to the trends in your own country. Just discovered in New York, already arrived in Paris and Milan. But we are just as interested in the minds behind the channels! We have conducted interviews with the most famous influencers for you. You probably always had a question for your favorite influencer!  We’ve probably already asked your question or found the answer, just read our article about that person. Who are the ‘bloggers’ actually? How do they live privately? Where do they get their inspirations from? We will find out! The best interviews of all instagramer on FIV, you can find here!

Various and exciting

However, Instagram is not limited to Mode. Particularly popular with users is also Food and Fitness. Diligently, beautifully arranged food is put into the right light. We have put together a few tips for you to try yourself. After eating, however, the calories have to go down again. What could be more motivating than a well-trained body of a fitness influencer, such as Pamela Reif. If you then find the right fitness exercise to get to such a dream body, it is perfect. Instagram offers simply everything.

Youtube and Instagram go hand in hand?

Most Influencer use both Youtube, and Instagram. Cleverly they connect the two platforms by announcing on Instagram together with a nice new photo of themselves that they have uploaded a new video on Youtube again. So the fans follow them diligently on both sides, so they don’t miss anything.

Hashtags, photos, videos and comments

Quickly enter the matching hashtag and you’ll find thousands of matching photos. You can start collecting ideas for your own photos or just read comments under the photo or video of your favorite influencer.