Taxes XXL: Basics, Real Estate, Books, Videos, Tips & Tricks – Guidebook
Taxes XXL – Taxes are often a tiresome topic, especially in Germany, the tax advisor helps or you learn how taxes work. It is not that difficult! Wage tax, value added tax, real estate transfer tax (read more here: Taxes in Germany) and much more: it’s not easy to keep track of everything. But if you’re not interested in hiring an expensive tax consultant (read more about tax consultant costs), you need to get to grips with the topic of taxes. We want to help you with that! Here you will find an overview of guides as well as book and video tips on the subject of taxes. Whether we introduce you to individual types of German taxes or you watch a video on the subject of tax returns, all your questions about German taxes will be answered here.
Guide: Taxes, Income & Co. – Everything explained!
Taxes are dry and annoying for most people. But those who deal intensively with the topic can also recognize its advantages. For example, if you know your way around, you may be able to save or avoid a lot of taxes with the right strategy. So it’s worth getting to know and understand taxes, because in the end you can always make a profit from them – and you don’t necessarily need an experienced tax advisor for that!
Taxes in Germany: Income tax, property tax & more explained
Whether income tax, wage tax, real estate transfer tax or trade tax: there are many taxes in Germany. So it’s understandable that many people find it difficult to keep track of them all. Here we present the German tax forms and summarize them roughly. Which tax has to be paid under which circumstances – whether for individuals or companies – and much more you can find out here in a summary. We would like to give you an overview of the common taxes in Germany in the following linked article.
Taxes USA: Buying property and paying taxes in America
What taxes do you pay when you buy a house in the US? In this article you will find a list of all the types of taxes you have to pay, how much they are, what they are used for and where you can learn even more about the subject. Everything you need to know about taxes related to buying a property, be it a house or a vacation home. We answer your questions here like: What are “transfer taxes”? How much is the property tax when buying a property? You can find out all this and more in the article linked below.
Taxes USA
Inheritance tax on real estate: tax-free amount & market value
Anyone who inherits or wishes to inherit real estate should take a few things into account, as taxes are also levied on inheritances in Germany. The amount of the tax allowance depends on the degree of relationship to the testator. Relevant here is the tax class to which the heir belongs and the tax rate applicable to this tax class. Since 2009, it has been common practice for inherited real estate to have inheritance tax determined according to the market value.
Save taxes: Where do I start? – Examples
Classification, income, turnover, coaching: tax advantages and benefits as well as tips and tricks on the subject of “saving taxes” are essential for entrepreneurs, freelancers, pensioners & Co. in order not to lose track of the many laws and guidelines in tax law. Although everyone is familiar with the word “tax”, only a few people actually know what taxes are. What taxes are there? For what do we pay taxes and how much? To whom do we pay taxes? What tax tricks and tax saving tips are there? And very important: How does saving taxes work at all and which tax saving tools should I use? You can find out about this and much more below, quickly and easily.
- Tips & Tricks: Where do I start?
Save taxes
Video Tips: Taxes explained by experts – tricks and more
Understanding taxes is not easy, especially with such a complicated tax system as in Germany. But once you have a grasp of it, you gain many advantages. We have compiled helpful expert videos for you, with which you can understand the world of taxes easier. Whether it’s tax returns, real estate taxes or basic tips and tricks: you’ll get help here, and in an understandable way!
Overview Tips & Tricks:
Tax Videos
Tax basics: explanation, definition and settlements
Taxes are extensive and complex. But who understands the principle behind it, also understands more and more connections. In this article, we want to show you videos that teach you what taxes are exactly, what they are used for and what types of taxes there are in Germany. You can also find videos with helpful information on the topic of tax returns, as well as a definition of the differences between direct and indirect tax.
- Video Tips:
Tax Basics
Tax return: how, when and where? – Deadlines and instructions
Why, why, why are tax returns so important? Not only professionals, but also students or pensioners can benefit from a tax return. If you have never deducted anything from your taxes and have no previous knowledge, you can get super informed in our tax return guide. We show you tips and tricks on how to avoid mistakes and provide you with tutorials that will help you with your first or next tax return. Here you will find everything important on the subject of tax returns to watch in the most popular and helpful videos. Whether you’re looking for instructions or tips and tricks on how to save even more, we’ve got a video to answer every question.
- Video Tips:
Tax return
Taxes real estate: basic knowledge and where you can save
Real estate is basically a big financial issue. Buying, selling, renting, investing, etc. But what about taxes when it comes to real estate? Through tips and tricks you can save a lot of taxes, you just have to know how. In our video list you will find many videos in which experts explain to you what really matters and which mistakes you should avoid at all costs. With this help, you will soon be able to fully understand the topic of real estate taxes and save money!
- Video Tips:
Taxes real estate
Taxes & Capital Gains: Capital gains tax and more
Capital gains: One or the other may have heard the term before. However, there may also be people who can not yet do so much with the term. What it is exactly and what it has to do with taxes, you will learn here. Capital gains tax, tax return, dividends and interest in relation to taxes are also addressed. You will also get tips for the tax return and for more net income.
- Video Tips:
Taxes & Capital Gains
Tax tips & tricks: recommendations for families, employees & more
Almost everyone knows it, there comes a time in the year when it is called: The tax return is due. For many, this is still a vexing topic, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right tax return and the appropriate tips, you can often get a lot of money back. We have compiled the most important and exciting tips and tricks for you, so that you can also save money and look forward to the next tax assessment in the future!
- Video Tips:
Tax Tips & Tricks
Book Tips: Recommendations and tax optimization
Everyone knows them and virtually no one likes to deal with them: taxes. But taxes don’t always have to be something negative. With tips and tricks, everyone can save taxes, be it when buying or selling a home or the usual annual tax return on all kinds of topics. We’ve rounded up the most interesting and informative topics for you. With book recommendations we try to bring you closer to the world of taxes and show you how you can save as much money as possible with as little effort as possible. Find out more here!
Overview Tips & Tricks:
Tax Books
Tax basics: tax lexicon, basic knowledge and more
Taxes. Everyone has to pay them, but very few people have a complete overview. Tax advisors, who are well versed in the subject matter, are often expensive and not an option for everyone. In this article, we have therefore compiled book recommendations for you, in which experts discuss the basics around the topic of taxes. Among them you will find, for example, a tax encyclopedia or the basics of the real estate industry in the area of taxes. Find helpful tips and tricks for all your questions here!
- Book Tips:
Tax Basics
Tax return: where, when and how? Learn how to do it!
The tax return is an unpleasant task for many people every year. But the world of taxes is not that complicated and inscrutable, especially not the tax return. Who, when, what and above all how and with whom you have to file a tax return, these questions will be answered in the following recommended books. We have compiled the most successful books by experts and professionals on the subject of tax returns, so that with this knowledge you no longer have to worry about your tax return in the future!
- Book Tips:
Tax Return
Taxes real estate: buy or sell your own home
Taxes in the field of real estate and home ownership: For beginners, the tax world is already quite confusing, but to combine the whole thing with the real estate world is a whole new world. We want to make this entry easier for you with the best recommendations and tips from the pros. Our book tips will guide you through the whole world of real estate and taxes and offer help for learning the basics, guides for private investors and savings tips.
- Book Tips:
Taxes real estate
Taxes & capital gains: Flat rate withholding tax and more
If you are interested in the topic of taxes in connection with capital gains and would like to read an informative and helpful book, then you have come to the right place. The higher the tax burden, the more important the topic of avoiding taxes becomes for you. Especially if your profit is growing and growing. The more profit, the higher the taxes: a vicious circle. But of course, there are also many options that the state provides you with. What’s important for you: Your tax advisor won’t tell you, that’s not his job. Tax avoidance is your job. Because you know your individual financial situation best of all.
- Book Tips:
Taxes & Capital Gains
Tax tips & tricks: recommendations + how to save taxes
Every year it’s time to file your tax return. For many people, this has been an annoying topic for years, but it doesn’t have to be! With the appropriate know-how and tips, you can often get a lot of money back, and the tax return is easy to do. We have compiled the most important and exciting tips and tricks for you in the form of popular books by experts, so that you too can save money and look forward to the next tax assessment in the future!
- Book Tips:
Tax Tips & Tricks
Tip! Wealth building XXL: Finance, Investment & Co.
Who wouldn’t like to build up their own assets? Whether you want to be able to afford something or would like to generate a financial buffer for old age, asset accumulation is a relevant and, above all, sensible topic for virtually everyone. But what options are there for building up assets? Life insurance,
- Book and Video Tips:
Wealth Building XXL