Marie from Snukieful – Instagram Star and Youtuber

Marie is 24 years old and an Instagram star. She is known as @Snukieful(Instagram) to her fans and inspires them daily with her posts about fashion, lifestyle and travel. Her follower numbers are increasing daily and with almost 200k now, she has made a name for herself in the scene. We invited her for an interview and asked her a lot of interesting questions, which I’m sure many of you have asked yourselves many times. Here are some important links that might interest you before you read the interview.

The first steps to YouTube stardom

FIV: When and how did you start your career? What inspired you to choose your profession and do you do vlogging full-time at all?

Marie: I’ve been making YouTube videos since the end of 2012, starting with the fact that I’ve always loved watching videos from other beauty gurus – at some point I just got hooked. First with webcam in my nursery, without a thought to waste sometime “full-time Youtuberin” to be. Today it looks different. Although I’m still studying full-time, but since my channel has now grown a bit and I also have many cool partners with whom I can work together, a lot of my time flows into the production of videos and everything else that goes with it.

Family and everyday life: Marie Johnson lives her dream

FIV: What could you never do without in your everyday life?

Marie: I love to start the day with a cup of tea, to do without it would be stupid. Then I also live with my boyfriend and 2 cats in an apartment – I would not want to miss my little family. Apart from that I am quite uncomplicated and flexible I would say. If there are days when not everything runs as you are used to from everyday life, then that is not the end of the world for me.

FIV: What is your big dream?

Marie: My big dream? Pooh. I want to change something in the world. I imagine that’s such a standard answer, because everyone wants to contribute something to the world somewhere I guess. But for me, there are few things better than seeing that I could inspire or motivate someone else to do or stop doing or saying certain things. I think that’s one of the reasons why I enjoy YouTube so much too. You can trigger something in people and get the feedback directly.

Study, Youtube and Boyfriend (Alex)

FIV: What is a perfect day for you?

Marie: On a perfect day, the sun is definitely shining! And the sky is bright blue. I can sleep in or be woken up with a cup of tea. Then there’s a delicious breakfast in any case. I love breakfast. No matter when I have to get up by the way: Breakfast always has to be (even sometimes at 4:30 in the morning). On a perfect day I would have nothing to do, no emails, no phone calls and would enjoy the time with my boyfriend, maybe visit the family. In the evening there would be delicious food, ideally sushi and a good movie on the couch. Sounds wonderful!

FIV: What do you think is more important: luck or discipline? Why?

Marie: Being happy is, in my opinion, the most important thing next to health. But happiness can also often just be a matter of how you look at things. Theoretically, you can see happiness in probably (almost) everything. So happiness can be directed and influenced in a certain way, just by your own point of view. From this point of view I would say discipline is more important. Because with discipline I come closer to my goal, I come closer to my happiness. And if you discipline yourself to see something good in everything, then with discipline you automatically have happiness. Does that make sense?

FIV: What has been your greatest success so far?

Marie: For me, my driver’s license exam was definitely a big success at that time, because I was pretty scared of it, to be honest. I also did Taekwondo for 11 years, won several championships and also took the black belt exam, I am also quite proud of these successes. But I think my biggest success so far is actually staying true to myself in an online world that constantly wants to change you somehow. That I still shoot exactly the videos I feel like and don’t just chase trends, thereby maybe having less clicks and subscribers than others who haven’t been around that long and can just still be “Marie from next door”. I think that’s pretty awesome.

Travel: New Zealand and back

FIV: Do you have a trick to stay cool in stressful situations?

Marie: Someone once told me that you should always imagine your counterpart naked, then you would probably be more relaxed. I think that’s a pretty cool idea, but I’ve never tried it myself. I always try to breathe – sounds silly, but really helps me. Just breathe consciously, loudly and deeply.

FIV: Which country appeals to you most for travelling or living? Why?

Marie: I spent 7 months (August 2015 – March 2016) together with my boyfriend in New Zealand and lived and worked there really hard. It was a wonderful, if not the best time of my life. And I definitely want to go back there on holiday again! But for living I find it great here in Germany. We are doing really well and we have super many advantages. Sometimes you only realize that when you’ve lived somewhere else, too. For a time out to travel and also live I still find New Zealand great. Adventurous, but still not too much of a shock. Different, but still similar to Europe. And the scenic diversity is really indescribable. I remember that some times I could not really believe that all this is real.

FIV: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Marie: I am 24 now, in 5 years I would like to have a family already, if it should be, also with offspring. I would like to continue to work independently and take a lot of time for travel and family. I find that I often let myself get stressed and sometimes “miss out” on life. I will (hopefully) have shed this characteristic in 5 years.

FIV: Thank you for the great interview. If you want to see more of Marie, check out her:

Simple hairstyle hacks for beginners – 7 Tips

In everyday life you often do not have the time to make a hairstyle. Especially if you have a lot to do with job, family and friends. In this video Marie shows us how we can quickly conjure up hairstyles that also look good. In total, she shows us 7 beautiful hairstyles, of which especially the last are real eye-catchers.

Morning routine with Snukieful: Your start into the day

Every morning when we get up, there are a few things that need to get done. Shortly after getting up, most people are rather sluggish and slower, which is why it is especially useful to stick to a certain routine. In this video, Marie shows us her routine, from which everyone can certainly copy something.

School Hacks By Marie

The new school year has started again and everyone has to get up early, study and organize again. Here Marie has two suitable videos on the topic of school.

10 Before-School Hacks

Especially before school there is a lot to do. First you have to get out of bed and then you want to look good when you get to school. Marie shows us her best tricks for that. She leaves nothing out and tells us her alarm clock tricks and make-up tips.

Organisation tips – from the timetable to Post-its

Marie is already a student and can therefore give valuable tips for the organization of school and university. She tells us what has made her life at school and in her studies a lot easier.