Wealth Building Basics Books: Tips, Tricks and Recommendations!
Wealth building – You don’t want to slave away for your money? You want to make your money work for you and finally build a fortune? We have compiled the best book tips for you, with which you can learn how to finally build wealth. If books are too cumbersome for you, you can also find a link to a compilation of videos on the subject here. If you are interested in the topic of wealth building basics, then perhaps the topic of pensions is also relevant for you.
Wealth building: tips, tricks and recommendations!
Building up wealth – with as little effort and equity as possible? It’s not as easy as it sounds, but the books presented here give you tips and tricks from experts to help you get a little closer to your financial independence. Let yourself be inspired and get started with your own personal wealth accumulation.
Tip! Overview Wealth Building XXL – Book, Video, Tips & Tricks
If you want to build up private wealth and create financial reserves, there are a few things you should keep in mind. In addition to the tips you get in this article, you might also be interested in our extensive overview page. There you will find an overview of articles, as well as book and video tips with successful and helpful books and videos on the subject of wealth accumulation – including tips and tricks from professionals and experts.
- Book & Video Tips Overview: Wealth Creation XXL
Finanzwesir 2.0: What you need to know about wealth accumulation
Rating: 4.6 from 5.0 (232 ratings)
You want to know how to invest your money in order to build up a safe and profitable retirement provision with which you can maintain your standard of living? You want a “guide” that explains how you can build up a (small) fortune in 10 to 20 years as a stock market beginner? In this book Albert Warnecke presents you 20 years of money and stock market experience in 9 chapters on about 440 pages. The book is a mixture of philosophical-psychological basics and tough Excel calculations. You need these 15 bread & butter ETF indices. The rest can go in the bin. Plus: Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls of picking your overnight money. – Level five: Finding the right broker. With checklist.
The path to financial freedom: The first million
Do you have money worries and envy others for their financial independence? Or have you made sufficient provisions and can fulfil your wishes? Bodo Schäfer shows in this book how we – especially in times of crisis – can decisively improve our quality of life. He shows the way to prosperity, financial freedom and security. A path that anyone can take. The techniques he reveals are amazingly simple and immediately effective. Anyone can achieve prosperity – you just have to want it and pursue this goal with discipline!pursue it with discipline!
Learn in this book
- How to quickly get rid of your debts
- How to save properly and build a fortune in the process
- Surprising methods with which you can immediately increase your income
- Insider knowledge about investments that no bank will tell you
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Saving money for beginners
Rating: 5.0 from 5.0 (39 ratings)
You finally want to save money in your everyday life? You want to build up a fortune? You can’t invest much money, but you still want to be able to live off the dividends? You want to build a passive income?
All this is not a problem. With this book, you will finally learn how to save money in your daily life and thus get rid of all financial problems and worries. Finally save money and get rich smart. Finally you can learn to save and build a life you have always dreamed of.
This helpful guide shows you…
- … how to finally achieve financial freedom through passive income
- … how you can finally get out of your financial straits.
- … how you can get rich with and without investment
- … how you can manage your passive income from the comfort of your desk at home
- And much, much more
Don’t miss this chance and find out about all the ways to save properly. Even beginners can save money easily and simply thanks to this book.
My money goes to work: Wealth Building
Rating: 4.3 from 5.0 (44 ratings)
Learn in this book in a compact and concise form, how you can develop a simple but effective financial strategy in just three key steps and make your money work for you: Beginning with a detailed analysis of your own balance sheet, to the systematic optimization of cash flows, to targeted investments in different asset classes.
In contrast to many other guidebooks, not only one aspect of wealth accumulation (e.g. investing in shares or ETFs) is dealt with, but a holistic financial strategy is pursued. All steps are described in detail and are easy to understand, as well as being illustrated by numerous examples. This makes this book ideal for beginners, but also for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the subject.
But this book also provides you with the all-important basic financial education on which you can build your individual financial strategy. It doesn’t matter if you want to become financially independent, plan to invest in your retirement, or simply save for a specific goal.
You should definitely read this book if you:
- Want to know why most small investors never become wealthy and how you don’t make the same mistakes.
- Learn how easy it is to make a fortune with small amounts of money.
- Want to have more free cash flow available each month.
- Want to learn how to invest your money in the stock market in a low-risk and intelligent way.
- Want to find out if stocks, mutual funds or ETFs are better for your wealth accumulation.
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ETF for beginners: building wealth through dividends
Rating: 4.0 from 5.0 (157 ratings)
Buying stocks involves a lot of risk. On the stock market, you are almost exclusively playing against competitors who trade full-time. Therefore, the simpler and more efficient variant via ETF trading is recommended. You buy an ETF, which contains several shares and thus spread your money. While your risk is minimized, economic institutions take care of the professional management of your ETF.
- How you can actively invest money and earn high profits every day
- How to invest money passively and secure passive income
- Earning twice as much with the same work – tax tricks and state subsidies
- The greatest return with maximum security and low risk
- Preventing the purchase of bad ETFs
- Financial freedom as your own boss – work where you want, how much you want
- No more fear of retirement and old age…. You are already provided for
- And much more…!
The ETF model includes the special feature of being able to move huge sums with small investment amounts and win them for yourself. You can avoid the risks by following the step-by-step instructions in this book and learning all the tips and tricks. Figure out how to spot ETFs that make sense on your own. Then you can invest your money smartly.
Accumulation of wealth through funds
Rating: 4.7 from 5.0 (23 ratings)
Instead of paying in monthly amounts, you can regularly choose a new form of investment that is adapted to your current life situation. However, you will learn how to safely and best build wealth through funds in the long term. This book will discuss why funds are so safe and why funds are the perfect investment for retirement planning. Germany has fewer and fewer young workers and therefore fewer taxpayers. This means for you, if you are not yet retired, that once you are retired, the state can no longer provide for you.
What you’ll learn in this book:
- Why funds are the best investment
- Why funds are risk-free
- How to avoid high costs
- How to protect yourself optimally
- What the cost average effect is
- How to invest in funds now
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Wealth accumulation with real estate without equity
Rating: 4.2 from 5.0 (223 ratings)
In this guide you will learn how to buy real estate without equity and take the first step to build a fortune with real estate. Especially now that governments and central banks are printing more and more money and pumping it into the capital markets, it won’t be long before the inflation rate rises. What will be happy then is… will be those who previously invested in real estate as an investment.
Also learn in this book
- How to be perfectly prepared for bank interviews
- How to improve your Schufa score
- How to scale your real estate investments by acting smart, and build substantial real estate wealth
- Which indirect investments in real estate are still available to profit from the real estate boom?
- Buy at Amazon
Related links about the topic Taxes
You still don’t have enough knowledge about taxes? Then you will find more information and video tips on topics such as tax returns, taxes on real estate, tax basics and much more.
Taxes Basics
Doing your taxes: Do you know how? What are taxes and what are they used for? Here you’ll learn everything about taxes – from the basics, to the different types of taxes, to how to file a tax return. We’ll introduce you to the best books on taxes, including reader reviews, recommendations & experiences!
- Book recommendations on the subject: Tax basics
- Video tips on the subject: Tax basics
Real estate taxes
Taxes in the field of real estate / home: For beginners, the tax world is already quite confusing, but to connect the whole thing again with the real estate world, is its own little world. We want to make this entry easier for you with the best recommendations and tips from the pros. Our book tips will guide you through the whole world of real estate and taxes and help you learn the basics, guides for private investors and savings tips.
- Book recommendations on the subject: Taxes Real Estate
- Video tips on the subject: Taxes real estate
Advisor Wealth Accumulation XXL: Finance, Investment & Co.
Who wouldn’t like to build up their own assets? No matter whether you want to be able to afford something or would like to generate a financial buffer for old age, asset accumulation is a relevant and, above all, sensible topic for virtually everyone. But what options are there for building up assets? Life insurance, retirement planning, or investing in real estate? Here you will find an overview of articles, as well as book and video recommendations on the subject of asset building. From saving taxes to passive income to tips on successful investing – experts and professionals share their know-how in their videos and readings and answer all questions about wealth accumulation.
- Book and Video Tips: Wealth Building XXL