Since the social media, digital photography has become increasingly important. Instagram and Co. give the new generation a platform to present themselves photographically. Influencers show how to create the perfect photo. Which camera suits me best, how do I take pictures and where can I get more useful information about photography? Here you can find everything about photography.
Photographers – tips & tricks of photography
Every day we see thousands of beautiful pictures. Very special ones, we remember, talk about them. Photographers are modern artists who use technology and light to get the best out of every situation. Models, art directors, designers, all trust in their eye and their work. We look behind the scenes and introduce you to stars and newcomers of the photography scene. We show what fashion and lifestyle mean to them. Here you can find all interviews about Fashion Blogger, Fashion Designer, Models and VIPs. You are a young photographer and still looking for a management? Here is our recommendation: photography agency. Our editorial staff presents you the most exciting photography trends of this time.
Food photography – Instagram Foodporn
Food Photography is a new trend that is becoming widespread on social media channels. Meanwhile we like to show the world what we eat for lunch or dinner, where we are and which cocktail we like best. With the right cell phone or camera settings and a good light, you will be able to present your food pic professionally like the stars of the world.
Outdoor Photography – Putting natural beauty perfectly in scene
Outdoor photography is very tricky, because you have to pay attention to light, position and camera settings. Our editorial staff has worked out the basics of digital photography for you. Whether it is the landscape, or a person photographed in nature. In this area, there is a lot to learn and guide the camera.
Mobile phone or reflex? – exercises & tricks
Since the latest smartphones have an incredibly strong quality, with a little practice you can even manage to take high-quality pictures with your cell phone. We will show you the latest Photoshop trends, tips and tricks for each of you. There are many ways to enhance images by working with exposure and backdrop. And with some tricks you can teach yourself through videos and books, you are a professional!
Photography: stars and newcomers
Some hobby photographers develop to the point where they earn their money with it at some point. Our editorial staff got to know some Influencer, who besides blogging also work as photographers and hold workshops. Not only women are interested in the world of photography, one could think that more and more male photographers are conquering the Instagram world.
Aleksander Ziarnecki – first photo, the way to fashion photograph & 3 tips for models
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieAleksander Ziarnecki is a Berlin based fashion and automotive photograph. The 1990 born photograph have already worked with clients like Zalando, Mercedes-Benz and Harpers Bazaar. We have the possibility to ask him some questions about his career as a fashion photograph, his last milestones and his his biggest shapers. Aleksander shares what his first camera […]
Künstlersozialkasse – Minimum income, contribution, allowance: Who should join?
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieSo that both artists and publicists are compulsorily insured in Germany, there is the so-called artists’ social insurance fund. It regulates statutory health insurance, social care insurance and pension insurance for musicians, photographers, visual artists and publicists of all kinds. It covers the employer’s contribution to these compulsory insurances and is intended for all artists […]
Optimal photography of stars: Polarstern and Milky Way
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieClear skies and the lights of the big cities are far away. There are still some good places for razor-sharp night photos of distant stars and glowing meteorites. Those who have found such a place should have the right equipment and know how to transform the breathtaking events on the nightly screen into impressive pictures. […]
Outdoor photography: equipment, technique for beginners
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieThose who like to be out in nature will certainly find many motifs, which they would like to capture at this very moment . Beginners in outdoor photography can photograph your hiking environment, landscapes, or other objects successfully with a few tips. Before the success of a shot, however, there are some basic rules, without […]
Water drops – fascinating images from a small world – between dynamics and aesthetics
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieImpressive photos of water splashes and single drops amaze many people. While macro photography requires special high-speed stroboscopes, water drops can be photographed without special equipment. The only things you need are the right camera settings, good light, some water of course – and this step-by-step guide. What you need to photograph drops of water […]
7 tips to find the right camera tripod
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieIf you want to buy a camera tripod, you are faced with an almost unmanageable offer. Whereas in the past camera tripods were mainly made of wood, today high-quality tripods are made of aluminium or carbon fibre. In any case, it is a good idea to consider the following criteria when choosing a tripod. 7 […]
Camera tripod – Exposure without blurring: Tripod or monopod
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieMany photographic situations require longer exposure times. A good tripod is a useful tool for those who are looking for a safe position for their camera. But there are tripods for different purposes and in all possible shapes, sizes and weights. It is not only important to use a suitable tripod for shooting, you also […]
Photographers portfolio – select photos, create portfolio, design application
in Photographers/by Lisa-MarieYour own portfolio is crucial for your customers, business partners and any contact in your profession. Surely you can convince with a live performance personally and “in colour”. Nevertheless, you should give an insight into your work in advance, and whether you believe it or not: the Portfolio Folder becomes your most important working tool. […]