School and Instagram? How Payton makes it happen and her fashion must-haves!

Payton, the blonde beauty has only been active on Instagram for about a year and already reaches almost 120,000 people with her regular outfit inspirations and holiday pictures. I spoke with her about her daily life between school and social media, her fashion must-haves and no-go’s. Before you start reading the interview here are the most important links to Payton:

Payton Private: Friends, Instagram, and Hater Comments

FIV: Hey Payton, you’re still very young (recently turned 18). Early on, you’ve been sharing your life on social media like Instagram. You take your subscribers on trips and introduce them to your girlfriends. How do you feel about life in public and what kind of person are you in private? Describe yourself in three words.

Payton: Well I think living in public is cool because I like to share my experiences with other people. My friends would describe me as : Open, ready for new things, full of life !

FIV: You’re still in school. When it all started with you on Instagram, you were certainly the number one topic of conversation in the schoolyard. These are usually not only positive comments, but also derogatory “hater comments”. Have you had many experiences in this direction and how do you deal with inappropriate criticism? Do you take it very much to heart?

Payton: Yes, my social media is still an issue at my school even though I’ve been doing it for over 1 year now. Hater comments are not something I take to heart.

School stress meets social media!

FIV: Besides school, you try to upload pictures on Instagram regularly. Isn’t it stressful to balance school and your job as an influencer? Do you even see Instagram as your job?

Payton: I see Instagram more as my hobby than my job, although you could call it a job as well. Sure, it’s not always easy to juggle everything, but with a good schedule, it works.

FIV: Following your account, it’s clear that you love fashion. Your style varies from sporty looks to chic outfits. Can you tell us if you have any fashion must-haves and if so, what are they and why does every woman need to have them in her wardrobe?


Payton: Don’t really have a fashion must-have except maybe basic black pants because they go with everything.

FIV: Recently you told me that you were at Glow in Berlin this year. I’m sure you got some beauty tips from the pros there. Do you have any insider tips for my readers against dry skin in winter and what are your top 3 beauty essentials without which you would never survive the winter?

Payton: The only thing that helps with dry skin is simply taking good care of it and always putting lotion on it. My top 3 beauty essentials:

  • Labello
  • Hand cream
  • Body lotion

Styling tip: Never combine pink and red – fashion sin!

FIV: You certainly have to deal with a lot of people from the fashion industry. This year, for example, you were at Stylorama in Dortmund. Among all these people you often notice outfit combinations that you don’t like at all. Explain which colors you should never combine with each other and what is the biggest fashion sin of 2017 for you?

Payton: You should never combine the colors pink and red. I don’t think that works at all.

FIV: Your first post on Instagram was not so long ago (May 12, 2016). In that year and a half, a lot has happened on your account and certainly in your everyday life. Which person has inspired you the most along the way and which place has impressed you the most?

Payton: Since I started using Instagram, I’ve been inspired by a lot of people. America in general has impressed me the most.

FIV: You now have 114,000 subscribers on Instagram. Did your success come overnight or was it more of an ongoing process?

Payton: My “success” on Instagram came very suddenly at the beginning and was not planned that way. But I am very happy how it all came.

My favorite Payton videos on Youtube

Payton shoots many, great, different videos. There is everything from holiday reports, fashions hauls to interesting challenges.

Payton travels the world: With her boyfriend in the Seychelles

Payton, as you can easily tell from her videos, loves to travel. Luckily, she doesn’t take a YouTube break during such moments, but films all the more to keep us up to date. In enem vlog on her channel, she was in the Seychelles with her boyfriend.

Boyfriend vs Sister: Payton puts her boyfriend to the test

The friend you hang out with like 24/7 or the sister who’s known you your whole life, who do you think knows you better? Payton finds out.

Fashion Haul in Dubai – Hotpants, bellyfree and bikinis?

Something completely different. Interesting to see not only fashion hauls with clothes from the well-known shops from their own city. Payton shows us the current trends from Dubai on her YouTube channel.