Organic dog food?! Yarrah ordered & tested: Dry food, chew stick & mini snacks as a reward
Organic dog food & snacks from Yarrah – Everyone loves organic, but does my dog? Food for your dog has effects on the coat, but also on digestion, well-being and energy, whether puppy or older dog. Organic is an important topic for many, it’s about farming methods and animal welfare. But it is also about taste and a better feeling when buying. That’s why I also like to buy organic products at a fair price. Now the question: Are there also good organic alternatives for dog food and snacks? With this question I came to Yarrah. Yarrah is the largest supplier of organic dog food. Summer is starting and by now my dog has had enough of the supplies from the supermarket and pet supply store. So I need some new treats and snacks for my dog, in my pantry. This week I ordered from Yarrah for the first time, and everything arrived today. What can organic from Yarrah do? Our little taste test!
My order list: Dry Food, Chew Stick, Mini Snack
Yarrah’s slogan: “Everything for the positive difference. For you, your pet and our planet” – the look of the Yarrah organic food shop reminds you a little of Ben & Jerry’s, the famous ice cream, where you also improve the world a little, for example through fair trade. You can find the products in pet stores but you can also order online. They have been producing organic organic since 1992.
What is the advantage of organic products?
Yarrah produces purely organic certified food. That means without chemical scents, colors, flavors, pesticides and GMOs (genetic engineering).
Order for puppies: 5 months
My order was specifically for my Pomeranian (5 months old). Among them a new package of dry food, directly 2 kg for stock and 2 snacks, a soft roll and a snack with a little more bite, for in between.
In summary:
- Dry food; especially for puppies
- Snack 1: Mini snack
- Snack 2: Chew stick
Tester: Peppa (editorial dog)
This is Peppa, Neppa’s sister, and together they make our newsroom love her! Mainly they love to eat and play the most of all. That’s why she’s the perfect Dog Food Checker!
Organic dry food for puppies
First of all, I wanted to treat my dog to a new dry food, this one is with organic chicken, MSC fish and peas. In my order I opted for a 2 kilogram pack. The packaging feels very high quality, not just cheap plastic but lightly coated for a soft touch.
Ingredients: Organic chicken, MSC fish & Co.
There are also a lot of differences in dry food, e.g. the consistency, as well as the ingredients. The dry food contains grain-free dry food and as described organic chicken, MSC fish, peas and algae. Especially for small dogs. But, pictures say more than a thousand words!
Photos and feeding test
This is what the packaging looks like and the dry food in the bowl.
Yarrah makes small, round pellets from the ingredients. Very pleasant for my puppy:
What does my little dog say about that?
The dry food was hardly in the bowl, it was already gone. Accordingly, no skepticism, no waiting, straight in! It has to be the same with dry food.
Tip! You should give your dog a variety of food every day, for example, I give wet food twice, in the morning and in the evening, and dry food at lunchtime. You want to buy your first dog? Read more about eating, times, walking and much more here: Buying your first dog.
Snack 1: Organic chewing stick
Now it comes to the little treats and highlights for in between! In my order I have chosen the organic chew sticks.
The rolls are a small, but still relatively productive snack for in between. Accordingly, you should not give a small dog, like my Pomeranian, too many large snacks. After all, he or she is still supposed to take care of the main meals. For a small, big snack, for example after a long walk, excellent to get power again.
- Organic Mini Snack
- Price: 2,09 Euro
- Weight: 33g (11g / rod)
Only a small disadvantage, the chew sticks are individually packaged, so have relatively much packaging. Especially when it comes to organic products, the packaging can be saved even more. But now we come to the ingredients.
Ingredients: Total meat content at 95%
The snack itself consists of 3 chew sticks with beef. In total, the total meat content is 95%. The three rolls together weigh 33 grams, each individual roll 11 grams.
Photos and feeding test
Snack test!
What does my dog say?
Snack 2: Organic Mini Snack
After we have looked at Snake number 1, now directly a look at number 2, the small snack for in between!
The mini snacks are for in between and really small, maybe half a centimeter in size. Perfect as a reward when your dog has done a good sit. The bag is relatively full! I think that’s good, because unlike snack number 1, you have little packaging here in relation to the content!
- Organic Mini Snack
- Price: 5,49 Euro
- Weight: 100g
Ingredients: 97% meat (beef, pork and chicken)
The snack itself consists of 97% meat (beef, pork and chicken). The whole snack bag weighs a total of 100g. So you can easily get by for a few weeks with a small dog like her! What does our dog food checker say about the organic mini snacks from Yarrah?
Photos and feeding test
Here again our tester, 0.1 second before snacking!
What does my little dog say about that?
Matching the size of the snacks, I of course put a “sit” into play, with the previous sniff, it worked great. The small snacks I have given her even in the evening, while I myself have eaten dinner. That is, for in between, very well suited.
Conclusion: Bio-Organic from Yarrah
Great snacks, a fair price and organic production since 1992. The delivery was fast. All in all: 4.7 / 5.0 from our tester! Plus, the good feeling and purely organic certified, so without chemical fragrances, colors, flavors, pesticides and GMOs (genetic engineering). Read more about Yarrah here and find these and new snacks for your dog online:
Your first puppy: guidebook
Buying puppies – What accessories do you need for your puppy around leash, bowl, sleeping place and food? Every year millions of little puppies are born and find a new home! Also with us there is now one or two little puppies: Neppa & Peppa. You are thinking about getting a dog? If you have time to spare and love, then a little puppy is something wonderful. But, what do you have to consider?! Learn here about the daily life with a little puppy: My first day with Peppa (Dwarf Spitz, or Pomeranian puppy), my first week and my experiences. If you’re thinking of getting a dog, here are the ultimate tips for the first week with your puppy and a few insider tips, like puppy pads, tips for walking and staying alone – all in the first week!
Dog food: wet food, dry food, treats
Snack Ideas for Your Dog & Puppy – Dog Food – What is the best dog food on the market? What is the best dry / wet dog food? Which snack is the tastiest? I’m on the hunt pretty much every weekend for yummy snacks for my puppy. Since I’ve basically bought out my favorite dog specialty store a few blocks away, I’ve been on the hunt online. Here I am collecting new, interesting brands and snack ideas for you. My puppy is currently 5 months old, so you’ll be discovering more here as time goes on!
Pomeranian! Pomeranians as a pet
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