Inspiration for one-pot oven meals and a balanced diet

Fast food can also be healthy! Yes, you read that right – fast food simply means that it has to be quick. Between work and home life, there’s often hardly any time to spend hours in the kitchen, but living off the takeaway around the corner isn’t an option in the long run either. Our suggestion: one-pot meals. Healthy meals that almost cook themselves and yes, they really do exist!

Healthy eating habits and secret indulgence food with Loredana Chantal

Loredana passionately shares her delicious dishes on Instagram and TikTok and her mantra is: quick, delicious and also calorie-conscious! From various pasta recipes to potato gratin and Oreo cheesecake – Loredana’s recipes really do have something for every gourmand who loves delicious and healthy food. We asked Loredana what her must-haves in the pantry are and which cheat meal she can’t resist.

Delicious and quick from the oven? That’s possible!

FIV: Hi Loredana! Nice of you to take the time to answer our questions! We’ve seen on your channels that you can really cook up all sorts of things from A to Z. But if we break it down, what are your must-haves as a stockpile?

Loredana: For me, a must-have in a healthy household would definitely be a good selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as high-quality sources of carbohydrates such as potatoes or rice and a filling source of protein such as pulses or feta. That way you always have a good basis for a balanced diet at home.

FIV: For many people, fast food and healthy meals are opposites – but you actually prove the opposite: fast and healthy are not necessarily mutually exclusive, are they?

Loredana: Preparing quick and healthy food is absolutely compatible. That’s exactly why I came up with the idea of preparing all my recipes in the oven in 2021. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and the oven cooks a balanced meal for you. Back then, I opened a whole new chapter with oven recipes. You can now find them everywhere on Instagram, which makes me very happy.

FIV: Do you also follow a particular diet, such as veganism or vegetarianism?

Loredana Chantal: I mainly eat a vegetarian diet and try to make sure that my food provides me with all the nutrients I need.

Eat when the body gives the signal

I’m a big fan of intuitive eating

FIV: And how do you feel about intermittent fasting?

Loredana: Intermittent fasting is definitely a trend and has shown positive effects for many people. I’m a big fan of intuitive eating and believe that you should eat when you feel hungry. Personally, I rarely feel hungry in the morning and therefore often have breakfast at lunchtime. So you could say that I occasionally practice intermittent fasting unconsciously. However, I don’t do it consciously and strongly advise against prohibitions and strict rules. My motto is: – Eat when you are physically hungry.

FIV: Do you have any experience with nutritional supplements or would you recommend them to others?

Loredana: While we can theoretically get a lot of nutrients from our diet, the reality is often different. Although I try to eat a healthy and balanced diet every day, there are days when I don’t always succeed. That’s why I think it’s important to support my nutritional needs with supplements. I have consulted a naturopath to find out exactly what I need.

A weakness for the famous French fries special

FIV: What is your secret indulgence that you keep giving in to despite its unhealthy side?

Loredana: My secret indulgence would probably be a portion of Pommes Spezial. These are chips with ketchup, mayo and fresh onions. It’s certainly not the healthiest, so I enjoy them very consciously or integrate them into a healthy bowl with salad and a source of protein.

FIV: Well, with all the healthy meals, a French fries special is allowed. Thank you Loredana for your time. We’ll definitely make one or two of the one-pot recipes.

More about Loredana’s one-pot recipes:

Now in FIV Issue #32!

You can also discover the whole interview as well as inspiring fitness stories, travel tips and fashion in the complete magazine!

More inspiration for delicious meals.

If you’re looking for more inspiration for delicious meals, we’ve got just the thing for you. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy simple and fresh dishes. Here are our best summer recipes that you can easily recreate.

Simple summer dishes to recreate