Fitness Shooting: model, location and photographer – everything must fit perfectly

Many athletes or fitness fans give everything for their fitness and have often trained for years. Discipline, devotion, proper nutrition and an iron will are necessary to achieve a perfectly trained body. Then it’s time to capture the steely body with a few impressive photos. After a good preparation and depending on the chosen location an exciting photo shooting will take place in the gym or outdoors. For the photographer no reason to get into stress. The following tips will help you to achieve good results.

When fitness meets aesthetics – models for fitness shootings

There is no doubt that sport and fitness are very important in our society. Fitness active people like to show in the social media how sporty they are. However, the photos often taken with a smartphone cannot always be described as successful. Even non-professional photographers should give some thought to their work before taking pictures.
The first question at a fitness shooting is the location for the shots (also called location).

The living room at home is usually too narrow, the gym would be good, but not every gym allows private photos. When the time of year allows, many people move out into the great outdoors. There are excellent places for a fitness shooting, such as on a lake or climbing a wall. Even an old industrial backdrop often provides charming contrasts. In some cases you should get a permit for the recordings.

If the location is chosen, it can almost start. As a rule, the athlete will wear sportswear. Modern and attractive are high-quality fabrics in strong colours, but even torn shirts can look quite cool. If you want to change clothes during shooting, a change of clothes option is very helpful. After all, the model has to be relaxed. Women should not apply make-up, even waterproof products will run out at some point. A good powder can often cover the sweat. Also the consideration whether the outfit or the physical fitness should be in the focus. Another thing: If you want to work on your bikini figure, you should start months before.

Sweat, fitness and perfect photos

For the model there is a difference between simply training or posing for a fitness shooting. Authentic movements and the right body tension are important. These qualities can be practiced at home in front of a full body mirror. The photo shoot means: chest out, upright posture and should not let your shoulders hang. Also the head posture can change the impression of the photo. It is best to turn the head slightly or put it aside. If the head is placed too far back, this signals an arrogant posture, it looks friendlier if the chin is pointing slightly downwards. The hands are loose and do not cramp. A loose facial expression is also very important. Many people pull their mouths or eyes or unconsciously make faces. It’s not pretty and it can also cause wrinkles. The mouth can be slightly open, the lips are relaxed. A light exhalation often helps.

The photo shooting for fitness shoots is often a sweaty affair. It is not uncommon for recordings to have to be repeated because something was wrong. After some time all models sweat and have a bright red head. Then it doesn’t make sense to keep taking pictures. It is best to take a short break during which the model can consume sufficient water and food.

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Trotz Urlaub regelmäßig Sport treiben und sich bewusst ernähren, was denkt ihr?!? ?? Klaro, wie ich finde – warum denn nicht?!! Seitdem ich hier mit meiner Familie in Spanien angekommen bin, war ich kontinuierlich im Training und habe auch für mich selbst frisch gekocht, sobald ich die Gelegenheit dazu hatte.. ??☺️? Ich finde Urlaub sollte nicht automatisch bedeuten auf der faulen Haut zu liegen und sich mit allem möglichen vollzuessen – ja fast schon wie eine kleine Protest Aktion, wenn man doch sonst so fleißig ist… ?? Ich selbst habe die Jahre zuvor diese Erfahrung gemacht und bin da auch nicht ganz unschuldig höhö – fast schon absichtlich so wenig Bewegung wie nur möglich und sich krampfhaft mit allem vollstopfen was so herumliegt… ?? Man denkt das gehört sich so, doch wer sagt das? Ich hatte mich damals dann immer so unglaublich unwohl gefühlt.. Ich fühlte mich träge und antriebslos. ? Na klar kann und SOLLTE man die Sache lockerer angehen als im sonstigen Alltag, (ausschlafen, die Kultur kulinarisch genießen, Sonnenbaden und viel Sightseeing ist ja auch gute Bewegung ??) jedoch nicht nur dahin vegetieren sondern aktiv bleiben!!! ??‍♀️ Für mich habe ich herausgefunden, dass ich den Urlaub definitiv intensiver genießen kann, wenn ich trotzdem etwas gutes für mich und meinen Körper tue, was mich gleichzeitig bei meinen weitern Zielen unterstützt! ??✨ Dadurch fällt einem auch der Wiedereinstieg in die alte Routine Zuhause viel leichter, wenn man dann wieder zurück ist! ??? #weekendthaughts #fitnessmotivation #healthyvacation #selflove #selfcare #beactive #sweatingbeauties

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Fitness Shooting: A High Class Photography

A good fitness shooting is one of the most demanding skills in photography. But if the photographer and the model are in a good mood and if the location has been chosen carefully and a few basic things have been considered, a session can be great fun. The resulting photos are impressive, not only in the social media.