The separation guide for men: How do I separate properly and what are the signs of a broken relationship?
Small arguments are perfectly normal in a relationship. Every partnership experiences good and bad times. As long as you can reconcile after the argument, everything is fine. However, if you have been toying with the idea of a break-up more often lately, you will find tips here on how to break up with your partner properly and honestly, because she deserves this fairness.
Should I break up at all?
A first indication that things are not going so well in your relationship is that you ask yourself this question alone. It sounds painful at first, but if everything was going well in your relationship, you wouldn’t even think about breaking up. The reasons for (or the thought of) a break-up can be many and varied. Often it can help to discuss problems first. If it becomes clear that no joint solution can be found, the line can still be drawn.
The most important question is whether one can imagine a common, happy future. If this question cannot be answered with yes, the next step should be clear.
Is it possible to separate without a clear reason?
Even without a clear reason, after a while you may feel that she is simply not the right person for you. There are constant crises, little habits that you didn’t even notice before are now bothering you and you are constantly complaining to your friends about your relationship?
There doesn’t have to be a violation of “relationship rules” to herald the end of a partnership. Sometimes things just barely come apart noticeably. You have drifted apart. Even without someone to blame, these things happen.
Of course there are also clear reasons for separation, like physical or psychological violence. For many people, a fling is also part of it, but everyone has to decide that for themselves.
Because drawing a line: How do I break up?
Once you are sure that a relationship is beyond saving, the question remains: “How do I tell my girlfriend?”
There are many different things to consider in order not to let the other suffer more than necessary.
Why is it so difficult to break up with your partner?
The adherence to routines and proven things is a very typical behaviour for humans. We are creatures of habit and feel very comfortable in our comfort zones and are therefore very reluctant to leave them.
In addition, if we were to separate, we would have to admit to ourselves that this relationship has also failed and that all the time and feelings invested would disappear again. Partly one still feels feelings for the other person or has felt them in any case. We all know how painful a separation can be and we do not wish this pain for other people. And so we remain in relationships that actually do not make us happy anymore. And this is neither fair for us nor for our partner. Both deserve to be in a happy and fulfilling relationship at some point.
But break up right: The 4 rules for separation
No Go: Break up via text message
An absolute No Go is the breaking up via WhatsApp , SMS & Co. Even though we have moved a large part of our dating behaviour to the internet, our partner deserves to get a personal explanation and not just be dumped by text message!
Choose place and time carefully
On your birthday, just before an important meeting or closing in public? No way! It is only respectful if we give our partner the opportunity to process the message in peace. And that includes consideration. So choose the time and place carefully.
To be honest
There’s no nice way to break up. Every breakup is painful at first. So say clearly that you want to end the relationship, but without hurting it unnecessarily. Explain why you want to break up and stay honest. Nothing is worse than guessing why your partner wants to break up. Talk and listen. Give the other person room to react emotionally. A break-up is always sad. But it is only sad because it was sweet and beautiful with the other person.
Stay consistent
Once you have made the decision to separate, stick with it. Nothing is more unfair than a constant play with your (ex)partner. If you have dealt intensively with your relationship, stay consistent. Even if it is difficult. Otherwise she has no chance to deal with the separation, because hope flares up again and again.
Even celebrities experience separation pain: tips from Rihanna, Ryan Reynolds and the Kardashians
Relationships of celebrities also end and this often painfully.
But especially celebrities like Rihanna, Taylor Swift or even Ryan Reynolds have tips for us how to deal with heartache properly and finally end the relationship.