Germany’s Next Topmodel – Episode 10: Coaching, beauty campaigns and fashion films
A tight program was on the agenda this week. First a coaching with cool male models, a casting for a big beauty campaign and then the girls were allowed to shoot their first fashion film. And that in a wedding dress! The weekly decision also went very differently. Instead of a catwalk, this time a treadmill had to do. Check out the rundown here: New rules, new jury, the 11th season GNTM.
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Germany’s Next Topmodel – All episodes of the 11th season
The Male Model Coaching for the top models
A photo posted by ᙓlɛŋą ƈ. (@elena_c.topmodel.2016) posted on .
Another coaching session was coming up and this time the girls had to prove their acting talent. But not only that! Thomas and Michael had invited models twice. First of all it was about the acting interaction between the candidate and the male model. For this, short dialogues had to be memorized and then presented in front of the camera. Especially Elena C., the daughter of the actor Mathieu Carriere, could inspire Michael and Thomas. Afterwards the girls had to do a test shooting with the male models. A perfume advertisement should be represented. The models came quite close to each other, which one or the other did not like at all.
Fashion Film Shooting in Wedding Dress
Here’s how my beautiful brides handled their wedding day! © Aladdin Ishmael
A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on .
“Yes, I do!” – That’s what you want to say when you walk down the aisle in a white dress to marry the love of your life. For the girls, however, things turned out quite differently – they were shooting their first fashion film! Here it came down to acting talent and not all of them were happily married at the end… The film was about love, disappointment and overcoming. Heidi had chosen something special for it, or rather someone very special. The groom was not a classic male model, but the famous“Ugly Model” Del Keens. In a single “take”, the girls had to take on a wide variety of roles, and not every one of them went through the perfect dream wedding. Also this time Elena C. could inspire of herself. She played the role of a woman who was dumped at the altar. All attempts to prevent the groom went wrong and with tears in her eyes she stormed out of the church. What caused great admiration among Heidi and the director, made many candidates envious. Especially Jasmin was not at all enthusiastic about Elena’s success.
Top Models for the “Phillips Beauty Campaign”
A photo posted by ᙓlɛŋą ƈ. (@elena_c.topmodel.2016) posted on .
A new job was on the horizon! And what a job, because “Phillips” was looking for a face for a beauty campaign. The Philips ProCare hair styler was advertised. Kim, who has a short hairstyle due to the makeover, quickly realized that her chances of getting the job were very slim. Nevertheless, she brought out the best in herself to convince the client of her worth for possible further jobs. Fata, Elena C. and Luana were shortlisted. In the end, however, the client chose Elena C., which especially bothered Fata. She had high hopes.
The big decision of the 10th episode Germanys Next Topmodel
A photo posted by Lara (@lara.topmodel.2016) on
This time there was no classic catwalk at the weekly decision. The girls had to convince the jury of their qualities on a treadmill. They were given a story by Heidi, which they had to embody. The candidates played women who started a new life, leaving everything behind and starting anew. They had to take off their coats, accessories and dresses, so that they ended up in just their underdresses. Many of the girls gave a great performance and were sent directly to the next round. Lara, Elena K. and Laura had not convinced the jury and “wobbled”. The jury decided to give Lara and Elena K. another chance. Laura had to leave the show in this episode. Thus “Team Michael” had lost another candidate.
The girls from “Team Michael”:
- Luana
- Lara
- Kim
The girls from “Team Thomas”:
- Elena C.
- Elena K.
- Jasmine
- Taynara
- Fata
The next episode – It gets spooky
Today is going to be scary. Which model is the scariest? #GNTM
A photo posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on
In the 10th episode of “Germanys Next Topmodel” there is a mystery shooting. The girls have to show how versatile they are and put on their scariest face. In the “Denim Challenge” the girls have to prove their style and there is a great prize to be won. Who can convince the jury?
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