Decoration for Event, Wedding & Co – Creative outfitters in Cologne & Düsseldorf

Your sister’s wedding is coming up? Or even your own? A Christmas party is being planned or a huge event for a big customer? No matter what is celebrated, decorations are an important factor for the right atmosphere. This article will help you so that you don’t have to worry about it and think about every single glass, every candle and every little lamp! If you’re planning an important day, you’ve got enough to do to deal with the topic of decoration. Here you will find the best tips and the best decorations in one overview.

Pretty Factory

With Pretty Factory’s warm and inviting style, every event becomes a feel-good moment. With copper colours and rustic designs, Pretty Factory combines Shabby Chic with practical.

take a seat

The Nimmplatz furniture and decoration rental offers decorations for the most diverse ambiences to lovingly enhance the most important day in life, a company event or something completely different. With different styles like Fresh & Clean or Urban Jungle there is something for every taste.

The Wedding Table

Whether colourful, bright and refreshing or dark, classic and elegant, The Wedding Table serves specific wedding wishes. Different styles offer a wide range of decorations and let each wedding be as individual as the people celebrating it.

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{Werbung da Verlinkungen} Schaut euch mal bitte diese wunderschöne Gin Bar an und das ist nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt davon ?. Mit Dani von @mein_distrikt habe ich eine weitere Creative Sister an meiner Seite die genauso verrückt nach Dekoration und Stylen ist wie meine Wenigkeit. Es ist mir immer eine große Freude mit ihr ein Projekt zu vollenden. Auf weitere spannende Styles Honey ?? INDUSTRIAL LIGHT WEDDING veröffentlicht bei @fraeuleinksagtja den Link dazu findet ihr in der Bio. ———————————————— Vielen lieben Dank an das gesamte Shooting Team ihr wart ein Traum ??? Planung, Wedding Styling, Beleuchtung: @theweddingtable Fotografie: @undorf_fotografie Brautkleid: @willowbywatters via @herzbraut Schuhe, Accessoire Braut: @herzbraut Anzug: @ateliertorino Accessoires Bräutigam: @bewooden Hair & Make-Up: Floristik: Selders Neuss  Gin Bar, Drinks: @mein_distrikt Brownies: @bigb_brownie Gastgeschenke/Lakritz: @lakrids_de Papeterie: @mehrdsein Leuchtbuchstaben: @lieblingsprint_de Beleuchtung Tanzfläche: Location: Gare du Neuss Models: @johannaspix & @whos_rocky #styledshoot #shoot #industrialdesign #lightwedding #industrialwedding #industrial #weddingstylist #weddingdecoration #weddingdesign #weddingstyling #weddingplanner #wedding #wedinspo #wedding2018 #wedding2019 #gin #brownie #bridetobe #instabride #ginbar #instabraut #instabräute #instabräute2018 #instabräute2019 #hochzeit2018 #hochzeit2019 #weddinginspiration #neuss #düsseldorf #nrw

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Floristic Lounge

Floristik Lounge offers designs and decorations with beautiful flowers, balloons and everything that goes with them that are tailored to the theme. From a huge offer you will find the right designs for every occasion to organize a Christmas party, wedding and all other events perfectly.

Love Bandits

Love Bandits mission is to make the event a great day and that doesn’t include thinking about decoration. The Love Bandits take care of this job for you and set a high value on a very personal look. The main thing is harmony, that’s the motto here!

Be Unique

Classic and modern, combining these two may not be a problem for Be Unique Events. Celebrity customers have also had their wedding planned by Be Unique and the pictures are very good to look at. Flowers are not saved and details are very important.

Shabby Chic Event

As the name suggests, Shabby Chic is a great stylistic device of this supplier. Despite the name, however, you can expect to find many different styles and ideas on the site or on social media. Whether very modern or very rustic, for Shabby Chic events it is no problem to orientate on different styles and organize the perfect decoration.

Kisses and Karma

The perfect mix of vintage and industrial. Kisses and Karma specialize in weddings and bring a lively touch to the little dream world. Not so white and neutral at all, but underlined with good contrasts and a lot of love for detail.

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{shades of yellow} Mit tollen Neuigkeiten starten wir heute in die neue Woche – das von der lieben @mariealslebenweddings geplante Shooting wurde auf dem erfolgreichen Hochzeitsblog @weddingchicks veröffentlicht, und unsere Möbel & Deko durften auch dabei sein. Vielen Dank an das ganze Team für dieses tolle Ergebnis ❤️ • (Werbung wegen Verlinkung) Dienstleister: Planung & Konzept: @mariealslebenweddings Fotos & Papeterie: @nicole_otto_photographie Möbel & Deko: wir ? Location: Gare du Neuss Video: @pries_film Torte & Gebäck: @zuckersuessundrosarot Blumen: @runo_blumen Styling & Schmuck: @la_chia_headpieces Brautkleid: @das_brautstuebchen Freie Rednerin: Anne @die_trauung Harfenistin: @harfenistin_renske_tjoelker Bräutigam Accessoires: @feiner_herr Braut: @mrsmiratomic • #kissesandkarma #hochzeitsdeko #möbelverleih #hochzeitköln #weddingdecoration #weddingtable #industrialwedding #hochzeitsdeko

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Place network

Those who like a more boho, natural style will also like Platzwerk. We work with you: Wood, candles and plants. Beautiful contrasts of different types of wood mixed with a mixture of plants and leaves, plus a few nice details and voila! Especially beautiful on a summer day and in nature, a clear recommendation who has an eye for classic beauty.

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?immer wieder gern..? …schauen wir mit unseren Leihstücken im Gare du Neuss vorbei! Whoop whoop! ? Bald gibt es mehr davon auf @thelittleweddingcorner zu sehen! Konzept, Deko, Papeterie @yayday_design Foto, Video @irinaundchris Floristik Kleid @das_brautstuebchen Freie Trauung @die_trauung Haare und Makeup @sabrinaschumacher.com_ Holzschrift @mydekoonline Torte @tortenmacher Schmuck: @refinedbohemia Mobiliar, Lichterketten, Gläser @platzwerk_verleih #platzwerk_verleih #vintagerentals #bohochic #möbelmieten #hochzeit2018 #braut2019 #hochzeitsmobiliar #tischemieten #industrialwedding #vintagestühle #moodywedding #bohohochzeit #stühlemieten #bride2018 #kristallgläser #lichterkettenleihen #bohostyle #weddinginspo #feathers #decorental #dekoverleih #bohemianwedding #holzstühle #holztische #hochzeitsverleih #vintagedeko #messingtraum #gareduneuss

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Decoration stories

Josefin, the founder of Dekostories, animated the love of detail to decorate events. Many plants and very rustic can be found at Dekostories. Beautiful pictures on Josefins Website and Social Media encourage to dream and inspire to think of your own wedding / event.

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Heute kann ich euch schon eins der tollen Fotos unseres Boho Styledshootings von letzter Woche zeigen. Im schönen Rittergut Orr durfte ich mal wieder dekorieren mit sanften Pastelltönen und einem Metallic Mix aus Silber, Gold und Kupfer. Oft stellt sich die Frage welchen der schönen Metallischen Akzente nehme ich, wenn die Töne gut zusammen harmonieren lässt es sich auch perfekt kombinieren finde ich. Wir gefällt es euch? Mit dabei waren: Planung und Traurede: @greenweddings_patriciacarolina Konzept, Papeterie und Fotografie: @herzenszauber.fotografie Kleider: @noni_mode Location und Catering: @kaiserschote Mobiliar: @nimmplatz Floristik und Dekoration: @dekostoriesbyjosefin Orientalische Dekoelemente: @thefeatherette Haare und Make-up: @paper_and_powder Fliege: @feiner_herr Headpieces: @carlina.headpieces Ringe: @schwarzgoldjewelry

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Natali Bückert

Their motto: Every celebration is unique and original. Natali is committed to offering her customers a wide range of colours, fabrics and ideas to make every event as individual and special as possible.


Lights, flowers and above all lots of colour. Balloni offers a literally colourful range of choices. Balloons must not be missing and a few candles also not and already it starts. Balloni offers decorations for every possible occasion and is therefore a real all-rounder.


Affectionate design is the top priority at Liebelei. After all, a great atmosphere is the most important thing to make an event perfect. With different offers a large selection of different decorations for each taste is to be found. Anyone who appreciates simplicity and simplicity will love Liebelei. But if you want something more on a special day, you can simply add more colourful and unusual details.

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