Invisalign: The way to beautiful teeth – #1 experience with cost, duration and process

Invisalign in the Smile Club – Beautiful straight teeth, a theme that for many people belongs to the ideal of beauty and absolute “must have”. However, this has always been associated with painful treatments or braces. A price that not everyone was willing to pay to make their dream of a beautiful smile come true.

It starts with a smile

Everyone has one or two things to decide for themselves. Whether it’s the receding hairline or the protruding ears, it’s always been my teeth. Most outsiders think I’m crazy, because my teeth aren’t that crooked either, but even on something like that you always have a completely different view than strangers, which is why it’s always bothered me. I never liked smiling open-mouthed, so there are hardly any really smiling pictures of me.

I have often thought about alternatives, but my affinity to dentists was never really high and braces were out of the question for me. The pain, the limitations and of course the appearance, were decisive points for me not to let this treatment come into the closer selection. Unfortunately I didn’t find any other way to fix the bugs, so I had to put up with leaving it as it was and living with this flaw.

Invisalign – what is the & how does it even work?

One day, I found by chance on the Internet an ad of so-called Invisalign. It was about beautiful straight teeth, which of course immediately caught my attention. So I started researching and quickly found out how it all works. Invisalign work like a rack, but have enormous advantages over conventional wire braces. The Invisalign are a transparent splint that are specially manufactured for each patient. These move the teeth exactly like a normal rack, but first of all have the optical advantage that you can’t see them. It is removable, which also makes it easier to clean. Sport is possible with the Invisalign without problems and you can also drink with it. To eat, take out the splint. Spinach residues cannot get caught here either, as in normal braces. But one of the biggest advantages is that you don’t have pain and aren’t restricted by the treatment.

My experiences with Invisalign – the first treatment

Enthusiastic about my research, I found a practice near me that specializes in Invisalign. I had already made an appointment directly in the chic practice. The technique was explained to me again by a professional and for the first time I held an Invisalign in my hand. Super light, very pleasant and super inconspicuous. My enthusiasm continued. The dentist told me how a treatment works from scanning the teeth to wearing the splints. After my little introduction to the topic, I started the scan. I’m sure many of you remember that hated dental impression. A huge piece of modelling clay has to be stuck on my teeth for eternities I felt so that you can see the exact impression of my teeth. I reckoned with something like this when I was told to scan your teeth, but something completely different awaited me. With a small camera, which takes many photos in a row, my teeth were removed, while at the same time an exact model of my teeth gradually became visible on a screen. A very pleasant treatment that only lasted about 5 minutes. Afterwards I could see the before / after pictures directly on the monitor and thus also the result, which is to be obtained. This scan is sufficient to order the rails. Very progressive, innovative and above all uncomplicated! My mood was no longer subdued and I was excited about the new techniques.