Exclusive interview with Pauline Baly: actress, model, musician and influencer from Paris
Pauline Baly is an incredible French artist living in Paris. Model, actress, musician and influencer, Pauline is one of the best Parisian influencers to follow absolutely on instagram. On its social networks, it shares the most trendy looks of Paris with a touch of glamour. IVF is delighted to present her exclusive interview with Pauline Baly on fashion, beauty, fitness and her new musical project.
FIV: Hey Pauline, FIV is delighted to be able to interview an artist like you. Actress, model, musician and influencer, nothing stops! Many of our readers want to know what a typical day of a talented French influencer like you looks like?
Pauline: I spend a lot of time with myself, sports, yoga and especially meditation every day. I cannot start a day without these 3 elements because it is important for me to stimulate my well-being. Apart from that, my days are never the same, I can spend a whole day composing music or shooting for a brand or traveling abroad for events like fashion weeks. So I would say that there is no such thing as a typical day.
The perfect glamorous Parisian look by Pauline Baly
FIV: Can you describe your glamorous style & Parisian for those who do not yet know you? What are your fashion tips for a perfect glamorous look?
Pauline: I would say that my style is rather glamorous but modern, never old school. Until 1 year ago, I really liked small flowery dresses and I wore a high bun but my style has evolved a lot and continues to sharpen, I would say that I finally found myself…. I am now more interested in animal prints, vinyl, I love structured outfits that are sometimes provocative, I like when there is character and I don’t really like jeans. I almost always wear high heels to slim my figure. I rely a lot on accessories to highlight all my outfits (glasses, bags, jewellery…).
Dancer posture & dream figure
FIV: You have a very pretty head bearing and a sublime silhouette certainly due to your past with dance. What is your fitness routine to have such a nice posture and stay in shape?
Pauline: Everything can be summarized in two words, yoga and diet.
The miracle recipe is that I eat little sugar, drink only water and never snack between meals. Contrary to appearances I do not deprive myself of anything, I love food but it is all a question of balance and the food I eat is always organic.
Two yoga sessions per day (at home) that last every two 30 minutes, one in the morning before eating and one in the evening before going to bed. I also do sports during the day, usually these are muscle building exercises.
Fashion Week and tips to become a model when you are less than 1m70 tall
FIV: Fashion events are part of your daily life but what do you like most about this fashion week?
Pauline: Meeting artists of all kinds is always the right time to meet some of my friends photographers, models, singers, who come from all over the world and who travel for shows. There are also some designers that I like and I am always delighted to discover their new collections.
FIV: Measuring 1m66, you have a remarkable modelling career. What advice would you give to young, small women who want to become models?
Pauline: Have confidence in yourself and let no one tell you that you too cannot realize your dream. My size didn’t help me much, especially in France because of the agencies, I managed on my own at first by refusing too many “bad opportunities”. It is an extremely complicated sector and you have to be careful but with perseverance anything is possible. Do not hesitate to travel across the Atlantic to seize opportunities.
Since with Facebook and Instagram, everything has quickly become democratic. Before icons like Kate Moss were already influencing the world, today the icons are also on Instagram and brands are no longer interested in the size but in the personality of profiles.
Fashion icon & brands trends
FIV: You didn’t become a fashion influencer by chance. Are there people who inspired you? What is your fashion icon?
Pauline: In fact, I have never considered myself a fashion influencer or an influencer at all, I have always loved sharing my daily life through my insta account in order to show that you can also do it in your own way and not just by following a certain protocol. Will and tenacity are the key. Nevertheless, I have always loved and respected Chiarra Ferragni’s work who is one of the few influencers who has stood out, she is a true businesswoman.
FIV: You are used to working with several fashion and beauty brands but what are your favorite French brands at the moment?
Pauline: There is only one and it is Jitrois. I love Jean-Claude Jitrois and his creations are a slaughter. I am also working with him on the first video clip of my musical project.
In beauty, I am turning more and more towards 100% vegetable and therefore natural so I would not mention brands.
Musical exclusivity: Pauline Baly’s band – Magic Mushmush
FIV: You created with Elliott your electronic music group called “Magic Mushmush”. How did you get the idea to create this music group? Where does the name Magic Mushmush come from?
Pauline: I am passionate about science fiction and horror films, independent short films and more generally about everything that is psychotic. With Elliott, who is also a fan of the genre, last year we shot a short film in France but we didn’t find the ideal composer to bring the missing element to our film, the music, which is the second most important part.
As a director but also a composer Elliott immediately offered me the opportunity to compose music together and it was at this time that the musical adventure began.
The music drug quickly seized me and I began to compose several musics by taking more and more pleasure in this creative process. I have finally found a way to express what I have within me in an artistic way.
We are working with Elliott on our first EP…
When I leave you with your imagination… I think it’s better not to say anything about it. ah ah.
FIV: On your instagram account, we can see many posts dedicated to your travels. Are your travels sources of inspiration for this musical project?
Pauline: It is THE main source, it is the trips that have allowed us to realize all our projects and music is of course one of them. I believe that to be able to create, you have to know how to take a step back, listen, observe and learn from humans and especially from nature. Introspection is essential, we learn a lot about our being. It also requires a dose of real madness, this madness from which we draw to generate the most beautiful creations.
FIV: When will we be able to discover your new artistic universe? Are you planning international tours & festivals?
Pauline: We release our first EP next September, as soon as we get back to school, and I hope it will surprise! 😉
Our project is obviously to share our universe internationally during music festivals. We hope one day to perform at the Burning Man. The experience we want to bring is quite special, it requires a place in perfect adequacy with our sounds.
But I’m not telling you more! ?