Karl Lagerfeld is dead – world grieves for fashion designer

On Monday evening, Karl Lagerfeld was admitted to an American hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, a Paris suburb, as an emergency. On Tuesday evening the shocking news “Karl Lagerfeld is dead”. On Instagram, the sympathy of fans of the fashion tsar accumulates. His cat Choupette also speaks on social media.

Fashion designer dies surprisingly in Paris

Nobody would have expected that, on Tuesday Chanel icon Karl Lagerfeld had another appointment in the artelier, which he unfortunately could not attend. The consequences of pancreatic cancer are suspected to be the cause of death. Other diseases cannot be excluded either. At the age of 85, Lagerfeld was still active as a designer for Chanel and embellished the catwalks of the international fashion weeks.

Sylvie Meis and co. mourn Karl Lagerfeld’s death

Social media has been flooded with sympathy since the news arrived on Tuesday. Sylvie Meis posted a photo of herself and Karl Lagerfeld and wrote below: “Deeply saddened by Karl Lagerfeld’s passing… forever grateful for your eternal inspiration and greatness. Rest in peace dear Karl.”

Also Diane Kruger says goodbye on Instagram to the fashion fazar “”Karl……I cannot tell you how much you meant to me and how much I will miss you. I will never forget your kindness towards me, your laughs, your imagination. I came to France to see you this week and introduce you to my daughter…I’m heartbroken I was too late. Rest In Peace, I adore you.”
Donatella Versace, a colleague and friend of the fashion designer, also shows compassion in the form of a social media post.

“Karl your genius touched the lives of so many, especially Gianni and I. We will never forget your incredible talent and endless inspiration. We were always learning from you.” – Donatella Versace.

Lagerfeld’s cat Chouepette says goodbye to Instagram

Also his beloved Burma cat and muse Choupette mourns her “Papa”. On Instagram she speaks with her 135k followers in a heartbreaking post.

“With great sadness I confirm that my dad Karl Lagerfeld left us on February 19, 2019. He was a true icon who touched the lives of everyone she came into contact with, especially me. He will live on forever in my now broken heart and in those of all his supporters around the world.

I am eternally grateful for the life he gave me through adoption. I will never forget the moments we shared through travel, exploration and creation.

The memory of my Papa Karl Lagerfeld will live on forever through his work and let us never forget the creative genius who now sits in heaven next to Mama Coco Chanel.

In love, Papa Karl’s biggest fan, Choupette”

<font color=#38B0DE>-=https://www.instagram.com/p/BgDId9IgEsc/?utm=- Proudly Presents

What happens with Choupette after Lagerfelds dead?

Many wonder what happens to Lagerfeld’s cat Choupette. She hasn’t inherited millions, but she will be well cared for in the future. She will probably go back to her original owner Baptiste Giabiconi. Lagerfeld herself cleared up the rumours that she would inherit millions. “With her 135,000 followers, Chopette will certainly be able to finance her croquettes herself,” says Karl.

Karl Lagerfeld’s funeral

The funeral will take place exactly as the fashionable tzar wished. He will be cremated and scattered together with the ashes of your mother and ex-boyfriend Jacques de Bascher, who died far too early from HIV. He had a relationship with Jacques for 18 years, and Lagerfeld never got over the loss. The fashion house Chanel respects Karl Lagerfeld’s last wish and makes sure that it is kept.

Karl Lagerfeld – Quotes from a fashion icon

He was known among other things for his eccentric nature and his unforgettable comments. To commemorate one of the most unforgettable fashion designers of the 21st century, we have compiled a few of his most unforgettable quotes:

“In fashion, you have to constantly destroy to renew yourself. To love what you’ve hated and to hate what you’ve loved.”

“I love the transitory: fashion is my profession.”

“Anyone who wears sweatpants has lost control of their life.”

“Getting out after a show is a good discipline for me. Because I have to be careful that I don’t look like an old garden gnome between all those 20-year-olds.