Backpacking around the world: Whatsnext travel stories
Perhaps you’ve always been drawn to faraway places and you like a challenge? Packing your rucksack, getting on a plane and then saying goodbye to Germany for an indefinite period? Some of you have probably already toyed with the idea. But taking such a step without a contact person is not so easy. That’s exactly why we got in touch with Elle and Domi aka Whatsnextreisen. The two of them took exactly this step in 2018.
Adventure around the world: Courage, tips and stories
Elle and Domi, better known as Whatsnextreisen, are real adventurers. In 2018, they took the bold step of leaving Germany behind to travel the world. Since then, they have explored numerous countries, got to know exciting cultures and shared their experiences on social media. With their inspiring stories and practical tips, they motivate many people to make their own travel dreams come true.
Pure wanderlust: discover the world with Elle and Domi
FIV: Hello, you two! You’ve traveled a lot more than the average person. Would you say you’re more of a vacationer who flies away to relax or do you prefer to travel adventurously?
Elle and Domi: Mostly prefer traveling. For us, the difference to a classic vacation is that you see more of the country than the hotel, the hotel pool and the beach. You tend to travel around the country, try the local restaurants and swap comfort and relaxation for adventure and new experiences.
But that can be exhausting and so you also need relaxation and a vacation! That’s why a mixture of both is certainly a good idea for many trips. If you come to Bali from Germany, for example, you should definitely travel to the island, because flying halfway around the world to go on an all-inclusive vacation in a star resort is not worth it in our opinion. Most countries become an exciting travel destination primarily due to their culture, great people and delicious food, so you should definitely not miss out on this.
Combine these experiences with relaxation on the beach, a massage or two or a chic restaurant visit and you have the perfect long-distance trip.
The India experience
FIV: What was your most unusual destination?
Elle and Domi: Our trip to India can definitely be described as extraordinary! The country is so incredibly different that you really only have to step outside the door to experience crazy things.
Whether it’s the cows in the middle of the highway, the unbelievable noise from non-stop honking or the little barbershops set up in the middle of the road. You just have to go with the flow and you will definitely experience unforgettable things.
The country is also huge and super varied. We saw everything from snow in the mountains to camels in the desert. The country is also very impressive culturally, for example we visited the golden temple in Amritsar. Here, free food is prepared for 100,000 people every day. The whole thing is run by volunteers and we were also able to lend a hand.
So if you want to immerse yourself in a completely different and somewhat magical world, India is the place to be. One
but should have a thick skin, because privacy or peace and quiet in this country is really only
in the hotel room.
FIV: Which destination have you liked best so far?
Elle and Domi: Of course we get asked this question a lot and it’s difficult for us to give an answer. Every country has its own charm and we liked it in its own unique way.
We loved the incredibly beautiful islands in the Philippines, the diversity in such a small area in Sri Lanka, the wildlife in Australia and the delicious food in Thailand. So there is no clear winner, it always depends on what you want from a trip.
Travel preparation and vacation destinations
FIV: In your opinion, what is the best way to prepare for a trip?
As soon as we know which country we want to visit, we would always search through YouTube & Co. You can now find so many great content creators who can give you travel tips and prepare you for a trip.
With this help, you can put together a travel plan and roughly plan your route. But no matter how much you have learned on the Internet, in the end you have to make your own experiences and so we think it is very important to remain spontaneous when traveling.
We often only book the first 3 nights in a country and then decide on the spot how to continue the trip. If we like a place, we stay longer, if we find it boring, we prefer to travel on. That might sound a bit scary at first, but once you’re on the road you realize how easily everything works.
FIV: Do you have an insider tip for people who want to go on vacation away from the tourist hustle and bustle?
Elle and Domi: Pakistan immediately comes to mind. Unfortunately, this country has a bad reputation in Europe due to the media. But it is incredibly beautiful, relatively easy to travel around, inexpensive and offers some of the most impressive nature we have ever seen. In addition, the country still feels very untouched by tourism and is therefore definitely an insider tip.
If you’re less keen on mountains and just want great beaches and a beautiful underwater world, Sulawesi in Indonesia would be our insider tip.
Dream beaches and scooter rides in Bali
FIV: What is your favorite among the islands with the most beautiful beaches?
Elle and Domi: These must be the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia. These islands lie in the middle of the Indian Ocean and are the most beautiful we’ve ever been to. The only things you see are endless palm trees, white sandy beaches, crystal clear water and of course the world-class waves that attract surfers in particular!
FIV: Which absolute dream destination is still on your bucket list?
Elle and Domi: Phew, that’s quite a few. Spontaneously, we can think of the Fijis, we want to go to New Zealand, the Galapagos Islands must be beautiful, we really want to go on safari in Africa and we would also be very interested in Iran.
FIV: And last but not least, we would like to know which means of transportation you prefer to travel by, plane, car or train?
Elle and Domi: None of the three, because of course we don’t have the scooter, which we use every day in Bali and with which you can travel around Asia spontaneously and independently.
Of course, your butt hurts at some point and you sometimes have to leave the scooter behind for longer distances. In Asia, we would then switch to bus or train, in Europe we would probably prefer to travel by rental car. So it depends a little on the destination, the type of trip and, of course, the budget.
FIV: Cool, thank you so much for your insights and tips! Your passion for traveling and your flexibility are really inspiring. See you next time!
You can find more content from Elle and Domi here:
Now in FIV Issue #32!
You can also discover the whole interview as well as inspiring fitness stories, travel tips and fashion in the complete magazine!
- Read now: FIV Magazine #32