What is Viva con Agua? – Water is a human right!
Viva con Agua – An international network of people and companies and a non-profit organization with the goal of making water accessible to all. The aim is to provide clean drinking water and basic sanitation with a focus on the Global South. Already thousands of people support the organization and help actively according to the motto: “Water for all, all for water”! You can find out more about the aid organization here!
Viva con Agua: Water for all!
Clean water is far from reaching everyone. There is no clean drinking water for 771 million people. Worldwide, 3.6 billion people have no access to safe sanitation. For about 1.7 billion people, even basic sanitation is not accessible. Hygiene facilities are also not safely accessible for 2.3 billion people.
The role of soccer in the foundation
Foundation – In 2005, the first team of the FC St. Pauli soccer club went to Cuba for a training camp. During his stay in Cuba, Benjamin Adrion decided to get socially involved. In doing so, he pursued the goal of reducing the appalling conditions caused by a lack of water supply and thus laid the foundation stone for the nonprofit organization. Through the first project (water dispensers in 120 kindergartens), donations in the amount of 50,000 euros were collected, which even provided 153 kindergartens and four more sports schools with water dispensers. Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V. was founded the following year. The soccer club made everything possible and still supports the organization today. For example, the soccer club makes the Millerntor Stadium available for the social art and culture festival “Millerntor Gallery” to take place. At home games, VCA is allowed to collect deposit cups.
Viva con Aguas Approach: WASH Projects
WASH projects – With the help of joyful actions in the field of music, sports and art, the organization wants to raise awareness for clean water and thus generate donations. These funds are used to finance WASH projects. WASH means water, sanitation and hygiene. These projects are intended to improve the living conditions of many people in the long term.
The members of the Viva con Agua Family
Here you find all members of the Viva con Agua Family listed:
- Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V.
- Viva con Agua Foundation
- Viva con Agua Water Ltd.
- Goldeimer gGmbH
- Viva con Arts gGmbH
- Villa Viva Hamburg
- Villa Viva Cape Town
- WASH Beteiligungs GmbH
- Go Banyo
- Mission Impact Crew
Own product: Viva con Agua mineral water
Mineral water – Viva con Agua mineral water is a product of Viva con Agua Wasser GmbH. With the purchase of each bottle, water projects worldwide are supported through royalties. VcA mineral water offers a form of social consumption when individual circumstances decide against the use of tap water. Because tap water is the best form of water consumption! Labels are used to inform people about VcA’s goals, projects and support opportunities. Accordingly, the water bottles are VcA’s “liquid flyer”!
Saving lives with music: Viva con Agua Music
Music – Viva con Agua Music is a platform where musicians worldwide can support international water projects with their music releases and music projects. With the songs, global issues are communicated in a creative way that motivates social commitment and conveys the human right to access clean water! For this purpose, Viva con Agua cooperates with various partners, such as Chimperator Productions.
Anela Jahmena and Tsidi Bang-Bang: Lists
Listen is a song about the project LISTENING. In this project different women from the south and the north meet each other. With them: their stories. The meetings are about sharing and connecting experiences and stories of inequality.
Here is the film about the project LISTENING:
With this song a new project “Remix for water” is launched. All musicians are called upon to create a remix to this song. This is to draw attention to global inequalities.
Here you can find all links to Viva con Aguas channels:
More about Viva con Agua
Did you like the article about Viva con Agua? Then read the interview with managing director Carolin Stündemann here!
Carolin Stündemann interviewed for Viva con Agua: Water is life
In this interview, we spoke with the managing director of Viva con Agua Carolin Stündemann. We rewound time and asked how the idea behind Viva con Agua came about. Spoiler: Soccer plays a significant role here. Carolin also gives us a little insight into the various projects and what successes they have already celebrated. Maybe you have already heard about World Water Day. It takes place once a year, and we asked how important this day is. We also talked about the current Corona pandemic and its impact on Viva con Aguas projects. Sometimes there are positive impacts as well as negative ones. How you can support the aid organization besides donations and much more, you can find out here in this interview!