The right outfit for the celebrations after the Abi

The Abitur marks the end of an important period for many students. They have spent a large part of their lives at school and made many of their friends there. It is therefore customary to celebrate graduation accordingly. This is done not only through the formal ceremony of awarding certificates, but at most schools also through Abiball organized by the student body. In addition, at some schools there is also an Abi party in a local discotheque. This often takes place immediately after the final exams and marks the start of the celebrations. For each of these events it is important to find the right outfit. In this article we show you how to do it.

The right outfit for the graduation party

The outfit for the graduation party is relatively simple. The main thing here is to celebrate the end of the exams with your friends. You are largely among themselves and it is not a formal occasion. Therefore, a normal party outfit is appropriate. This is not only true for the gentlemen, but of course for the ladies as well. You don’t have to agonize too long over choosing an outfit for the graduation party because any party outfit is allowed. Therefore, the revelers should simply choose the clothes that they would choose for a normal visit to the disco.

The right outfit for the dismissal party

The dismissal ceremony is usually organised by the school and is a formal act where students receive their certificates one by one. During it, they are called by the headmaster, the class teacher or a teacher loved by the students. In the audience, relatives attend the ceremony. Since this event formally symbolizes the receipt of a high school diploma, a classy outfit is appropriate here. Gentlemen can choose one of the suits of Carl Gross, while the ladies wear a noble evening dress. At the graduation ceremony, it should be avoided to stand out and push oneself into the foreground by wearing particularly bright colors or fancy clothes.

The best comes at the end – The outfit for the graduation ball

The Abiball is the highlight of the festivities, where the outfits are almost no limits. Evening dress is not a must, but fancy cuts and colorful dresses are absolutely allowed here. Often, friends coordinate their outfits weeks or months before the prom so that they don’t accidentally wear dresses in the same colors. It is true that it cannot always be avoided that similar dresses are worn. But on the common pictures of the evening it looks simply nicer if at least within the circle of friends there are no overlaps. Of course, this only applies to the ladies, because the gentlemen have it a little easier at the Abiball. Similarly as with the dismissal celebration, a smart suit is appropriate with the Abiball. A little color can be brought in here especially with the tie. Usually, this is color-coordinated with the dress of the partner or the companion for the evening. This looks very nice especially in pictures and shows the togetherness during the graduation ball. Ideally, graduates go shopping for the dress for the prom together with their companion so that the outfits can be coordinated in time.