For whom are personal loans suitable and where are the stumbling blocks
Personal loans – It has never been easier to get one. Thanks to digitalization and internationalization, there are more and more providers offering a wide variety of loans. But for whom is a personal loan suitable and where are the potential problems and pitfalls? We’ve taken a closer look at this topic so that you can safely and securely access the loan you need.
Different forms of credit – different terms and conditions
When it comes to loans, most people think first and foremost of real estate loans. In other words, a loan that has to be taken out because hardly anyone is in a position to pay for an apartment or a house out of their own pocket. But most loans in Germany tend to be personal loans. That is, loans that are needed for the purchase or repair of important things.
A good example is the purchase of a new car. If you are in a position to pay the purchase price directly, you can usually negotiate better terms with the dealer. Here, the conditions can even improve so much that even minus the credit costs, you can still make a profit. Therefore, it makes sense and sustainable, if you support such a purchase through a personal loan. It is important to choose the appropriate and also the most favorable loan.
Compare personal loans – the differences can be amazing
If you want to take out a personal loan, you should compare the personal loan online to be on the safe side and thus take a closer look at the different providers. The differences – depending on creditworthiness and the amount of the loan – can be considerable. A good credit comparison also helps you to orient yourself in the jungle of different providers a little better and to recognize which offers are valid. Not every offer is equally attractive, since all providers advertise the lowest interest rates, which, however, hardly anyone can fulfill.
Online loan comparison – the advantages
So if you’re planning to take out a loan, you shouldn’t go straight for the first offer that comes along, but actively compare them. And that’s much easier online than offline. Whereas in the past you had to go from bank to bank and obtain the various offers, it is now noticeably easier. With just a few clicks, you can specify the general conditions and then compare the various regional and national providers. It’s hard to find a suitable loan more quickly and easily. What’s more, you’re not alone. More and more people in Germany are taking out personal loans for a variety of reasons.
Installment loans and personal loans in Germany – the trends
If you look at the current statistics on lending in Germany, it is hard to miss one trend. More and more loans and ever higher total loan amounts are being taken out. This is due to a wide variety of factors. On the one hand, the demand for consumer goods has increased significantly and many people are also buying such goods on credit. Among other things, this development was due to the zero interest policy offered for a long time, which was actively used by many companies for advertising. However, the rising standard of living also ensures, among other things, that people take out loans more easily in order to be able to make important purchases more quickly.
Personal loans are taken out for, among other things:
- The financing of a motor vehicle
- The financing of vacations
- Important purchases such as refrigerator, stove or washing machine
- Repair costs for car or washing machine & Co.
- Other consumer loans
So you see that there are many people who want to and take out a loan for the most diverse reasons and purposes. But not every purchase and not every purpose is good enough. Because a personal loan is always also a financial burden, which you must bear. Therefore, it is important to consider which loans you take out and which loans you are better off doing without.
Do not take out a loan thoughtlessly – consciously control your own credit rating
Very many people think they already have the best possible credit rating. Many people are not aware that credit inquiries can damage this credit rating. That’s why you should think carefully in advance about which loan makes sense and which you can do without. After all, regularly and reliably serviced loans also increase one’s own credit rating on the other hand. It therefore makes sense to have your Schufa score checked and see how your own creditworthiness is doing. It is therefore not a good idea to take out a personal loan for a vacation trip, for example.
After all, there is also the possibility of enjoying a
Priorities in the personal loan – weigh carefully
It’s best to think about this before you make your first request: Do I need the loan for a purchase that is crucial to my life? I need a car to get to work, to provide for my family or to be more flexible in my free time. I need a stove or a washing machine for my daily life. Do I need that huge new TV so badly that I have to take out a loan for it? Is that luxury vacation worth going into debt for? If you set these priorities right, you can definitely find the right personal loan for you.
A well-planned personal loan can make many purchases or repairs possible
Although the era of zero-interest loans is probably a thing of the past, there are still considerable differences in the structure of the loans, the repayment and the interest rates. So if you inform yourself in advance and compare the various offers on the market, you will benefit significantly in the end and can obtain loans at better conditions. In the end, this also means that you pay significantly less money for the same item or the same repair, which is a considerable economic advantage.
Every regularly and reliably serviced loan also ensures a better and more stable credit rating, which can make a considerable difference when it comes to later real estate loans, among other things. Therefore, it is important and sensible to take out loans when needed, as long as you are able to service these loans safely and without pressure. So if you need an appropriate personal loan, it is best to compare the various offers and always keep an eye on your own credit rating.