Investment savings book: set up, inheritance and interest

Savings book – The savings book, almost every second German owns a savings book, currently there are almost 223 billion euros that are stored in Germany on savings books. The savings book offers, especially for young people a good start by the mental obligation to put money back regularly. The big disadvantage is that interest […]

Investment art: painting, photography, graphics and design

Art as an investment – What should an art investor look out for? How high is the return actually? Is an investment in art worthwhile? How do prices for works of art arise? Why do these prices rise so much? What influences the return on an art investment? It is not only money that attracts […]

Investment Private Lending: Cost and Provider Comparison

Where is the best place to take out a loan? Maybe you should think about a personal loan. This is a very sensible form of financing for equity capital. Back to the Capital Investment editorial. Risk assessment personal loan: advantages and disadvantages What are the advantages of a personal loan from my bank? Can I […]

Investment life insurance: risk & asset accumulation

Investment life insurance – life insurance can be divided basically into two types, the term life insurance and the capital-forming life insurance. Life insurance stands out above all as the best protection for partners and children (term life insurance). But they can do even more, for example, build up assets for old age (endowment life […]

Jewellery investment: Cartier, Chaumet, Bvlgari, Patek Philippe & Co.

Jewellery is an attractive investment for many. Jewellery can be bought and traded anonymously, it is stable in value (later we will see the current gold, silver and platinum prices) and in combination precious metals and gemstones like diamonds are unbeatable. Jewellery in the form of bracelets, brooches, chains, earrings or rings. Jewellery as an […]

Inheritance tax on real estate: tax-free amount and market value

Inheritance tax for real estate in Germany – Who inherits a real estate or also would like to bequeath, which should consider some, also on inheritances taxes are raised in Germany. The amount of the allowance depends on the degree of relationship to the testator. Relevant here is the tax class to which the heir […]

The Great Guide to Inheritance – Allowances, Inheritance Taxes and the Most Important Information

Inheritance is a complex issue that many are completely unprepared to deal with. To shed full light on the subject, we, the experts at IHV, explain all the important issues surrounding inheritance. The inheritance – will, inheritance tax and the compulsory portion Without a will, the estate is distributed according to the rules of intestate […]

Inheritance: will, compulsory portion, tax and spouse – all facts and tips

Correct and advantageous to heirs but above all to bequeathing can be difficult under certain circumstances. There are many things that have to be observed, many formalities that have to be adhered to in order to secure the inheritance. A will is always the simplest solution to ensure that one’s own interests are safeguarded even […]