Tag Archive for: Haircut

Top 5 trend hairstyles for men: short, long or with curls?

Hair trends for men: Not only women can make a type change with their usually long hair and, for example, dye their mane and cut it off. Also men can always go with the trend and give their appearance a new shine. With the following haircuts such as the curly look, the bowl cut or […]

Cutting hair at home: Machine, scissors & Co.

Many know the urge for change. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Whether you impulsively order new clothes to change your style. Or, if you successfully change your appearance with a new ear piercing. Many, however, stand in front of the mirror and wish for a change in the area of hairstyle. […]

Today’s hottest hairstyles, cuts and stylings – Top Hair Trends

Shrewd, straight and colorful – hair and its styles and hairstyles can be found in recent years in different cuts, colors and facets, but which look is in the end the most suitable and provides a wow factor. Get inspired by the newest and hottest hairstyles and make your hairstyle an individual and unique look. […]