
Everything about finances.

Selling Property Videos: Tips and tricks to save money and make a profit!

Selling property – You have invested in your own property or inherited a house and now want to sell it at a profit? But you don’t know exactly which factors, circumstances and rules to consider or which mistakes you should avoid at all costs? We have compiled the most exciting, helpful and informative videos for […]

Passive Income Book Tips: Investing, Strategies, Buy & Rent Real Estate

Passive income – For whom doesn’t that sound tempting: earning money “without doing anything for it”. But of course it is not quite that easy. If you want to generate passive income and thus build up a fortune, you have to proceed strategically and consider many factors. Real estate, for example, can often be a […]

Real estate financing book: loans, financing without equity or building savings contract, tips

Real estate financing – You want to buy a property – for example a single-family house, an old apartment or even a loft or country house, but you don’t know how to finance your dream? Terms like loan, interest, credit, repayment or building society contract only raise more questions for you? Here you will find […]

Real Estate Financing Videos: Do’s and Dont’s on construction financing from experts

Real estate financing – You want to buy a property, but you don’t know how to finance your dream or what type of property it should be? – For example penthouse, apartment, villa, beach house or detached house? Terms like loan, interest, credit, repayment or building society contract only raise more questions for you? Here […]

Entry level real estate industry videos: Tips, Tricks & Know-How

Entering the real estate industry – You want to enter the real estate industry? Do you want to buy a house or an apartment, approach real estate as a long-term investment and generate passive income in the future? However, you are still completely new to the world of real estate and are looking for the […]

Make money with real estate video tips: Investing, passive income, equity & co.

Earn money with real estate – this is a plan that many people have. What one or the other hopes for: to receive additional money in old age. Thus, one gets not only the pension, but also, for example, rental income. The idea behind this is that someone buys a property – whether, for example, […]

Bella Hadid, house Tour, Penthouse, New York

Real Estate Make Money Book Tips: Capital Investment, Real Estate Investor & Co.

Make money with real estate – Do you already have a property that you would like to make money with? Or you want to buy a property and then have it make money for you? Making money with real estate is a common and common strategy to generate income, but getting there isn’t necessarily easy. […]

Real Estate Investment Videos: Getting started, financing and tips from the pros

Real estate is considered a safe and profitable investment. But what is the best way to invest in houses or apartments? Whatever drives you to make a lot of money: Buying an apartment as an investment is the best idea you will ever make. If you want to invest successfully in real estate, you need […]


Everything about finances.