Tag Archive for: Puppy

Dog as a pet: requirements, basic equipment, training and dog groomer

Dog moves in! You have decided to get a dog, as a single, with your partner or even the whole family and you are thinking about getting a dog? There are millions of dogs in this country. They are among the most popular pets. Dog breeds like Labrador, French Bulldog, Australian Shepherd, German Shepherd, Golden […]

Organic dog food?! Yarrah ordered & tested: Dry food, chew stick & mini snacks as a reward

Organic dog food & snacks from Yarrah – Everyone loves organic, but does my dog? Food for your dog has effects on the coat, but also on digestion, well-being and energy, whether puppy or older dog. Organic is an important topic for many, it’s about farming methods and animal welfare. But it is also about […]

Pomeranian / Miniature Spitz: cost, care, hair, size, weight, advantages, disadvantages…. Family?! – the first months

You want to buy your first puppy? Maybe even a small Pomeranian for you or your family? Then you surely have many questions! Here you will find the answers, among others to questions like “how much does a Pomeranian cost?”, “what do you have to look out for in a Dwarf Pomeranian?”, “how much does […]

Buying a dog: Puppy moves in! Going for a walk, staying alone & Co. – Your first week

Buying puppies – What accessories do you need for your puppy around leash, bowl, sleeping place and food? Every year millions of little puppies are born and find a new home! Also with us there is now one or two little puppies: Neppa & Peppa. You are thinking about getting a dog? If you have […]

Basic equipment puppy & dog: 6 Must Haves! Food, bowl, leash, collar, blanket, … – Checklist

Basic equipment for your dog – No matter what breed of dog or what type of mixed breed, there are exactly 6 things you need when buying your first dog or puppy! So to speak, the basic equipment for your puppy and the first days together in the house or in the apartment. With this […]

Dog food: wet food, dry food, treats – snack ideas for your dog & puppies

Dog Food – What is the best dog food on the market? What is the best dry / wet dog food? Which snack is the tastiest? I’m on the hunt for tasty snacks for my puppy pretty much every weekend. Since I’ve basically bought out my favorite dog specialty store a few blocks away, I’ve […]