Tag Archive for: save taxes

Tax consultant in Bremen: Costs, Evaluation, Experience & Tips – 12 Recommendation

Tax consultant in Bremen – The best tax consultant near you? What does a tax consultant cost? All calculate the same, according to the official table: Tax consultant costs. Accordingly, tax consultants always cost “the same”. They all enjoy extensive training. Who has the most, good ratings? In this list you will find recommendations for […]

Tax consultant in Hannover: costs, evaluation, experience & tips – 11 recommendations

Tax consultant in Hannover – The best tax consultant near you? Who has the most good ratings? In this list you will find recommendations for Hannover tax consultants. What does a tax consultant cost? All calculate the same, according to the official table: Tax consultant costs. Accordingly, tax consultants always cost “the same”. They all […]

Inheritance tax on real estate: tax-free amount and market value

Inheritance tax for real estate in Germany – Who inherits a real estate or also would like to bequeath, which should consider some, also on inheritances taxes are raised in Germany. The amount of the allowance depends on the degree of relationship to the testator. Relevant here is the tax class to which the heir […]