
Everything about capital investment.

Buy Poudretteite: Price, Value & Jewellery – Investment Gemstone

Buy Poudretteite – Poudretteite is one of the rarest gemstones known. It was named after the Poudrette family, the owners and operators of a quarry near Mont Saint-Hilaire in Quebec, Canada, where the mineral was first found. Gemstone and precious stone poudretteite The natural color of poudretteite varies from colorless to a saturated pink or […]

Buy Topaz: Value, Price, Color & Cut – Investment Gemstone

Buying Topaz – Although clarity and size have a significant impact on the value of topaz, color has the biggest impact on pricing. The highest values go to the rare pink and red stones, followed by orange and yellow color variations. Yellow, orange and brown stones are somewhat common. Colorless topaz is widely available and […]

Buying Amethyst: Value, Color, Price & Jewelry – Investment Gemstone

Buy Amethyst – The purple variety of quartz is very popular among gemstone lovers and gemstone collectors. The amethyst not only gives a particularly beautiful decoration of the living room, it also has spiritual healing properties and can also be worn as a piece of jewelry on the body. The most beautiful purple amethysts are […]

Buy Ruby: Value, color, jewelry and quality characteristics – Investment Gemstone

Buy Ruby – Ruby is known as the king of gemstones. It exudes a good aura, looks elegant and expensive and makes a great gift for special occasions. Ruby is made of the same mineral as sapphire and is the second hardest gemstone in the world. Rubies are distinguished by their radiant color and are […]

Buy Aquamarine: Color, cut, quality and comparison with gold price – Investment Gemstone

Buy Aquamarine – The incomparable light blue to turquoise-green coloring of aquamarine has given this gemstone its name. Aquamarine is in fact derived from the Latin word for sea water. Aquamarine is a prized gemstone that had great value even in ancient times. In the 19th century, sea-green varieties of the stone were the most […]

Buy Opal: Price, occurrence, color and care – Investment Gemstone

Opals are in a class of their own. As a species, the opal is so unique that it has its own descriptive vocabulary. More than any other gemstone, each opal is distinctly individual. Opals are also the most delicate gemstones commonly worn and require special care. Opal – Origin and occurrence of the stone Opal […]

Buy Diamond: Price, carat, color and gold comparison – Investment Gemstone

Buying Diamonds – The entire top 10 producers only generate a little over 1 ton of rough diamonds a year. Not enough for all the jewelry, engagement rings, and capital investors in the world. That’s why the price of diamonds is so high. The 4Cs determine the value of each stone. The most complex is […]

Diamond cut: shapes, types, quality & formation – Kapitalanlage Edelstein

Diamonds are known to have the unique property of refracting light in such a way that it intensely sparkles, reflects, bends and scatters light. There is no comparison. That’s why the value of diamonds continues to rise. Today, 1 carat (0.2 gram) will cost you 7,116.17 USD or 5,990.54 EUR. Besides the brilliance, the cut […]


Everything about capital investment.