Tag Archive for: Sleep hygiene

Furnish & decorate your bedroom correctly – tips for a relaxed atmosphere and cosy flair

Bedroom properly furnish & decorate – The bedroom is considered the sanctuary of the home. Here energy is refuelled, the morning is started and in the evening the long working day is forgotten. Restful sleep is the be-all and end-all for everyone. We’ll show you here how to furnish and decorate your bedroom properly so […]

Comfortable and fashionable nightwear for healthy and relaxed sleep: tips on fit, fabrics & Co.

Restful sleep is good for our health and helps us to cope with the challenges of everyday life. There are many tips for restful sleep, but the topic of nightwear is rarely included, even though comfortable pyjamas contribute to well-being, which is an important factor for good sleep. In addition, on days off we wear […]