Tag Archive for: Oven

Merklinger Grill & Wooden Oven: Meat, Pizza, Bread and Made in Germany – Tip from the Grill World Champion!

Merklinger Grills – The days are getting longer and longer, summer is approaching. What is there better than to spend a relaxed summer day or a cozy night together with the family. Since the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, the right catering should not be missing. Experience a unique taste experience […]

Saving electricity when cooking and baking: refrigerator to pressure cooker – Kitchen tips

Cooking and baking, everybody loves it! But in the end it also consumes electricity. The more expensive the electricity price becomes, the more worthwhile it is to pay attention to energy efficiency when cooking and baking. Because even small things can achieve extremely high savings over the days, weeks, months and years. Today we looked […]