Tag Archive for: Diamond cut

Buy Diamond: Price, carat, color and gold comparison – Investment Gemstone

Buying Diamonds – The entire top 10 producers only generate a little over 1 ton of rough diamonds a year. Not enough for all the jewelry, engagement rings, and capital investors in the world. That’s why the price of diamonds is so high. The 4Cs determine the value of each stone. The most complex is […]

Diamond cut: shapes, types, quality & formation – Kapitalanlage Edelstein

Diamonds are known to have the unique property of refracting light in such a way that it intensely sparkles, reflects, bends and scatters light. There is no comparison. That’s why the value of diamonds continues to rise. Today, 1 carat (0.2 gram) will cost you 7,116.17 USD or 5,990.54 EUR. Besides the brilliance, the cut […]

Zircon Cut Types: Gemstones, Cutting Process, Royal Cut & Zircon Cut

Zircon Cut Types – By stone cutters, gemstones such as zircon are cut and polished into fantastic, extremely impressive gemstones with as little weight loss as possible. While some cut names describe the upward shape of the finished gemstone, others refer to the shape and arrangement of the gemstone’s facets. These cuts are also known […]

Graff Jewelry: Diamonds, jewellery and prices of the most expensive jewels in the world

Graff Jewelry – Tracking down the most valuable diamonds is part of her job. If you find a big diamond, you can get rich in one fell swoop. Isn’t there? Yes! The L’Incomparable diamond necklace contains one of the most valuable diamonds in the world. The necklace is worth $55 million with the L’Incomparable diamond, […]